Goal 0: Earn easily the right way. Listen to understand

My attention is focused here to witness the accomplishment of the remaining goals in the long term, leading to the flourishing and expansion of the clinic. The four goals, coupled with a focus on better health accounts, aim for a healthier world through oral healthcare awareness and action. Consistently taking the right actions as a habit is crucial, and the remaining goals contribute to enjoying observation of nature for discovery and innovation. 

- New Method of Treatment Solutions After Consultation variable time service provided

  1. Complete dental work. Post care instruction given QR to download dental books link 

  2. Conduct a review of the patient by coming after two weeks.

  3. Transition the patient to a client after the initial treatment.

- Follow-Up as a Client:

  1. Schedule regular follow-ups based on the specific treatment plan.

  2. Integrate annual reviews as a standard practice for clients.

  3. Include an Orthopantomogram (OPG) as a routine diagnostic tool.

- Incorporate OPG Fees:

  1. Establish a partnership with an OPG diagnostic center.

  2. Integrate OPG fees into the overall service fees.

  3. Ensure seamless coordination for diagnostics during follow-up appointments.

- D Warranty Expiry and Annual Check-Up:

  1. Communicate D warranty prescription 1 year expire to client Proof to keep: Valid as receipt 

  2. Encourage clients to undergo an annual check-up for maintenance.

  3. Offer annual health check-ups if advisable for a holistic approach.

- Booking Fee for Basic Check-Up:

  1. If clients opt out of annual check-ups, implement a booking fee. If contact saved last visit noted

  2. Provide basic check-up services to get clients back on track.

  3. Empower patients with the choice to prioritize their level of servicing

  • Immediate Assistance and Emergency Protocol: Ensure Availability Continuous Ringing Protocol: Use continuous ringing without disconnecting for severe cases (e.g., severe pain without painkiller relief or post-treatment bleeding/allergy). Employ mobile call forwarding to a team member in critical situations. Urgent Hospital Referral: Advise patients to go to the nearest hospital with an emergency room for urgent matters. 
  • WhatsApp Communication: Facilitate communication through WhatsApp for appointment scheduling and contacting the specific doctor when needed. 

  • Join the Conversation: Inviting Participants to Our App! 🚀 Explore and contribute with us. Don't understand? WhatsApp us at +91-8884757388. Thank you! 🌟 https://wix.to/eUSGgWN?ref=cl

Dear Doctors,

As you are well aware and very experienced, and being the deciding members for treatment solutions and consultations, you have the option to assist patients with installments, especially in cases of orthodontics or implants. We are open to negotiations and flexibility in three parts:

1. Your consultation fees – acknowledging your knowledge and experience.
2. Treatment solutions – covering clinic costs, materials, your labor, travel, stay, food, etc., including skill-based learning over time, which we greatly appreciate.
3. The profit or income we generate – for which we are grateful and flexible. 

You and I both understand the fixed costs of the first two, as the treatment fee policy is non-negotiable for us to mutually grow and sustain over time. However, the third aspect is flexible and negotiable. Sometimes, even if agreed upon a 19,000 INR treatment, 50 or 500 INR can be waived, as per a certain ratio. We leave it to your discretion.

Thank you, and we hope you understand the importance of affordability for patients or clients without affecting our bottom line. This is more significant than our top line, which is not a true indicator. The real indicator is where our tax-audited income needs to increase by 5-10% annually, ethically identifying expenses and consistently delivering value-added services.

Your feedback and insight might help improve our understanding collectively.

Thank you.

We need to change lucky 7 structural aspects of the clinic treatment procedures. I call it ABC TP FS, basically meaning:
- Educational awareness of public visibility: Truth journal
- Patient Booking system
- Consulting problem-solving skills, and more: Tooth self

To lead convergence of collaboration of Treatment Solution cross referral fee with individual contributions, adding to the important R&D5 goal: elite dental club and idea
- Payments system
- Follow-up after two weeks
- Annual preventive care client servicing with D warranty prescription auto reminder.

For this unique system to work and the institution of our brand to be established and stand the test of time in the two-year trial, hope and pray for your support.

From 26th January to 14th February 2024 (point 1), and more if needed till 31st March (point 5), this will dictate whether the rest of the points can be accomplished and refined over the two-year timeline trial with the affiliated clinics and suppliers, etc., 2% service charge annually after tax audit along with our dental clinic. Do give your feedback and suggestions so the loop to be complete: Tx

WhatsApp Group for suppliers hope you understand: 
1.⁠ ⁠Send the bills in the group only here by the first week of every month.
2.⁠ ⁠We will clear it from the 16th to the 30th of every month and post here the bill payment done: clinic staff to remind not yours or mine

Kindly note: It's very important we follow the process so we standardize the procedures over the two-year trial for further growth, expansion, and profit.

Please feel free to review the Service Level Agreement (SLA) provided and make any edits or suggestions as needed. Once you've finalized your changes, we can formalize the agreement. If there are specific sections you would like to discuss or modify, please let me know, and we can collaborate to ensure the SLA meets the requirements and expectations of all parties involved.

Your feedback is valuable in making this agreement comprehensive and tailored to the collaboration between Namrata Dhruv.love, Dentist Tech, and No promotion: no brokerage only problem-solving skills service to see smooth operations to our clinic first with the 2% fee before we add affiliates into our centralized system once they consent and we are operating and flourishing in our clinic.

Privately, such a link is sent to whichever person, however, you wish to format. Valid for 7 days to ask if there's anything new to order. Can post in the group, and the bill will be cleared into our Elite Dental Club account: [Link] basically a Journal club
Private EDC Supplier Group only allows members to join. We will create each hidden group based on state, country, city if needed: So, to form a community of transparent ordering and doctors' clinics ordering bills. If you wish, you can post and tag to be cleared, ensuring accountability for continuous service into a separate WhatsApp Group with our personal, as you see, to centralize accounting and service and our CA as a Trial to watch over time as this functions to see if other groups can be monitored for payment clearances with time.

Looking forward to your input. Best regards. For labs: 1. Pinky and I no longer handle case work.
2. Zero paperwork forms for environment friendliness implementation post-treatment initiation, after consent, with consultation, and necessary impression scan case photographs.
3. Private and confidential information.
4. Dental assistant/nurse will send the required details through this WhatsApp group.
5. Lab owner and dental technician follow through with the team for execution.
6. Follow posted instructions for delivery date, treating doctor's name, and patient or client visits.
7. Complete the cycle by entering bills into the group for awareness.
8. Post payment link or cleared bill for the start of a new month cycle.

Sometimes, we might add the patients or clients to see the process and transparency in procedure to be updated with the delivery time as well as high aesthetic work or expensive implant work.

Breaking News: Revolutionize Your Dental Care with D Warranty!

Explore the details in our legal documents, featuring a one-year awareness policy and an all-inclusive doctor treatment fee. Dive into more insights in our annual OPEN newsletter [here](http://dentalfenetre.blogspot.com/2023/10/valentine-reminder.html?m=1), and specifically, check point 05 for this Annual News.

Your smile deserves the exceptional dental care we strive to provide as a better health service provider "For you." For instance, if you don't come for your annual checkup within 365 days and after midnight on the 366th day, any treatment solutions availed earlier require a 100% payment again. This is a shared responsibility ensuring the validity of our devoted work and loyal love commitment. After the 366th day, nothing is considered valid. Read the link carefully, as awareness is essential, following the constructive notice concept. Your prescription is your Warranty card and carry to show as proof; otherwise, it's not valid and can't be tampered with after signed data, requiring the treating doctor's signature for added info.

No other service or product providers' warranties or guarantees are valid "For you" as patients or clients. These are based on technical understanding without clear research data backing them. D Warranty is the exclusive and legally documented warranty in our Elite Dental Club. It holds validity in the court of law and undergoes annual consideration for revision based on scientific evidence documents.

The service or product providers' warranty is applicable only to the dentist and clinic as a product, excluding our services. Along with good faith, hope we together pray, strive for better treatment solutions and consultations, provided by nurturing for new innovations and breakthroughs. Your investment is a trust in us for a better world "For you and us," focusing on better health. Your contributions are not expenses but investments in our preventive care package, emphasizing oral healthcare awareness.

"D" stands for Dr. Dhruv. This is a Doctor's warranty card. Elite Dental Club Membership Criteria:

Outside Affiliate: Free until 15th March 2024; after 15th March 2024, for 10,000 INR (Surprise gift included). Then, after 30th June 2024, the system is locked till the two-year trial period. After a successful trial, membership is annually renewed on 29th June with a one-year waiting period for membership, for verification purposes and a new fee structure.

Txu. Simple accounting, like 5 goals and 5 procedures:

1. Daily measurement of the income made and payments made in the month.
2. Quarterly assessment for any black marks of expenses and immediate course correction. (Tax auditing will give a clear profit.)
3. Leap yearly to see whether we are meeting our goals or need more investment or less. (This is only decided after four years in 2028, not after the two-year trial.)
4. 101 years set overly ambitious goals for generations to come.
5. Set the brand foot forward: working for the greater good and better health for a better world with Oral Health-aware action if Pinky trusts RD2 foundation, established based on the 5th Goal, established this 29th June 2024. Budget made focused on better health ‘For you’ for a better world with dental connection to be stated in Oral Healthcare aware action therefore, for clinic first interdependent affiliate independent contributing resource allocations to better than the rest* and then lead them to rise together made with annual tax-audited profit resource allocation: two heads decision with annual voting: strategic advise No monthly expenses tally to prevent stress and maintain a good work-life balance. Only quarterly expenses tally is required, working to have a two-year savings for operations as security, always increasing with time. A 20% thumb rule continuously added to it and never touched: only interest forget compounding lets compound in our time together of intelligence as to gain affiliate our 2% service fee to lead the rest to rise we have to be better than the rest financially

Offered as SPS's commanding services; you can choose any one or all on 4, revised as of 29th October. Service charge in all always 2%; rest is the expenses; if improvements, shall inform.

1. Self-management Service:
   - Offer to set up WhatsApp auto-greeting and link to the website. Annual 1000 INR and preventive care OPG collaboration set up.

2. Prescription Brand Service:
   - ₹10,000 set up and annual fee based on D warranty prescription.
   - Annual license renewal and elite dental club, only voting members.

3. Segregated Financial Management System:
   - Two-year trial - basically, the first year is the software and resource cost to see audited tax by 29th October 2025.
   - If there's a 5-10% income increase by 29th October 2026, then a 2% service charge is to be paid if you wish to continue henceforth.

Trial till 31st March 2024 in our flagship clinic: any way you can contribute to our vision is welcome better health 'For you' with a better world with Oral healthcare aware actionable: unless 2000 patients of the doctor not allowed in the network. Save and show for proof for a rainy day.

4. Supply Chain Network:
   - 5% service charge annually working out: Give to get. "I was told, 'The government is a representative of the majority of the people usually. First, pay them their share, and then enjoy yours.' I would add that when you clear, report the incident to the right channel, whether it's wrong or right. Checks and balances authority is usually present. If you get a mouth ulcer, you know you have stress, or jaws joints aching. It's your duty to vote the one you believe is right into power and then leave the rest to karma. Similarly, every leap year, if voting for Smile Awards, use it wisely to prop up the right person. Annually, if any advice of the majority is required for decisions to be made in the Elite Dental Club. If value exchange is to happen in a proprietorship or a trust foundation, resources are needed."


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