My last dance: 'Pinky' Namrata my everything including family: My adieu: work life balance importance


My last dance for you:'Pinky'Namrata my everything my today my tomorrow

What an experience with the 'Bengaluru tango community’ India Global and Auroville written and compiled by Dr. Dhruv

Note: if you wish your name deleted inform me, for privacy's sake. Written for work-life balance golf, friends college, dance; guitar/music/piano, cricket, tennis horse riding finally, etc. Never Give in: the fun things/times cherish


It all started with the movie, Dirty Dancing ‘98, ‘00 dancing with Mom; with Salonee Roy Kapurs classes at US club, Rock n roll, waltz, fox trot, etc. freestyle dancing at  college and university to

Our first couple dance (with Pinky) at US Club '00 New Year's; 2016 Year's freestyle feelings. '23 New Year's later our private couple dance after the proposal

Felt like sharing the notes, which I'm building with my forever partner. Tango people who have helped me with 16 points of what’s required in tango. Thank you Tanguero and the people, who have helped me, is all I can say

1. Volunteer:

I volunteered to Dj for the Milonga(Christmas 2018)dedicated to Community with Teacher’s playlist slightly edited/ along with carrying arranging, sticking up posters, etc.
I volunteered to Dj, Christmas Milonga 2019, dedicated to Community
Volunteered to Dj, Christmas Milonga 2020, dedicated to Community me

2. Lessons in Private:

Sebastian and Joanna Tango classes Good leader understands the feeling of the follower brings the energy to the dance and is active First class exercise stretch your leg out and cross your leg by lifting the heel on both sides step: is crossing the follower's legs by this movement 2nd was a Giro right leg steps outside the follower's feet and crosses his feet the leader then exercise step gets into a Giro on both sides by crossing the legs rhythm class by stepping diagonally to Arienzo Biagi Canaro first step ground by touching knee then diagonal step then side step them dissociate diagonal step Vals class 7th 8th three beats 2nd 3rd and 1st 2nd more prominent beats

Hubert private alone:

1) Frontality in posture 2) dissociate more in Ochos above the waist not at the waist, movement for ochos after bringing follower to door 3) hand in the center and more in Followers space during cross, progressive energy not sudden burst of energy 4) move more with the right leg 5) prepare during movement so it's smooth for walking and more, so it doesn’t surprise follower

M&V private with Follower & leader Dhruv:

1. Stand on your metatarsals. Stay on your metatarsal, after walking on your heels and the middle of your feet on walking forward:)
2. Don’t bend your knees on your forward step. On collecting bend the knees.
3. On doing Sacadas, prepare steps before it like in a Giro do Sacadas and Finish with a Cross:)
4. Do side steps and back steps while walking. And in and our walking:)
5. Don’t do complicated steps.
6. Push with your feet. And be gentle in your embrace. Don’t push with your intention. Don’t be forceful:)
7. Pull in your core:) don’t bend your head:)

Liz told Follower: stand on your full feet for balance and not on your metatarsals.

Extension! Leg wrap! And lean on your leg! These are three endings I am noting down to work on! With Follower! Volcada (as the follower spills her weight) + Gancho
Four endings

Private with follower with Teacher’s teaching: 13/8/19: Felt rusty lots to learn to stand on the middle of the feet lean forward bend your knees a little dissociate on your sacadas vary the amount you dissociate and turn in a Sacada don’t sacrifice fluidity for precision and much more it was a good private learned a lot.
Teacher’s feedback on my 2019 birthday video: shoulders bending in Ocho’s, with Sheeba moving my shoulders too fast, posture getting spoiled when playing with the follower's foot


100% attention on your partner.
Respect and care for your partner.
Listen to your partner.
Difference between take care and care. I realized care is a feeling while taking care is an Action by a Leader or follower toward each other
Listen to the partner and the music

Thomas (German)

Trust me and Follow
Want to dance with a partner (dance couple) Follower said Tango couple.
Connect with partner
I need to embrace partner
Thank you for trusting me.

Kruti: Honest emotion that’s funny I thought all emotions expressed are honest ones. Physical, kinaesthetic, emotional and spiritual aligned to create that magic in the connection in Tango. Direct your emotions honestly. (Clark’s saying: Facts drive you to guide your emotions to your feelings to action (I say).)

Pablo & Anne: Tango space, website


Abeni: take big steps for variety, belt facing up, presence from your hip(stomach region as well as chest), forget about the follower(she’ll follow)

Jency: movement to be a leader, follower reflecting your movement, just move, posture: upper chest in front shoulders back don’t compromise on your posture and your movement leads the follower give a clear intention to move and the follower and leader practically step together

3. Tango resources:

Shah Shoes:)
Jahid Tahir Shah
Account 915010021170249
Sion Mumbai
Axis Bank

4. Enrosques: (6 months: Work on till Bengaluruthon 2020)

Well for enrosques I’m doing a lot of things I started with what Saurabh told me one leg do quarter turns, half turns, three-fourth turns, and full turns. Full turns I still find difficult then, I alternate with the other leg. Then, I did what a beginner told me to stand on my toes for a long. Then, Neil told me to get the elastic movement from the hip to the shoulder, then Jency told me to imagine you are practicing with a partner, and then Shrek told me about disassociating properly. Kruti: They require perfect giro technique, very c balance, enough dissociation, and a graceful free leg..I still have to start practicing with a partner after three months.

This Sunday I was thinking of asking followers if they want to practice one song of a Tanda enrosques for me and then, I practice for two songs what they want to practice. Finally, in class, asked the Followers what they would like to practice, and then, said I want to practice then, I gave them a choice would they like to practice enrosques or embrace. Shrek said walking.

Veeresh: roundness in the leg wrap forward and back
Neil: Sebastian and Joanna’s enrosque: Leaders right leg on left side cross, and stretch out as he taught in Mumbai, hands also stretch out send the follower away as she does a Giro around you and then, being her close to you and turn, and change foot as you rotate in an enrosque left foot goes behind the right foot and back to the first position, keep follower close to you and you need to start again

5. Embrace: (6 months: Work on till Auroville Tango Festival 2020)

Shalini: loose embrace, no pressure from the right hand, the head should not come forward and interfere, the body should not say something and hands something else

Sheetal: depends on the music: slow music close, hurried, and fast space

Neil: comfortable, not dominant subtle to express while giving a clear lead

Ksenia: freedom and space when doing an Ocho.

Shweta: presence, don’t pull the follower off-axis by tightening your embrace with your hand, you give more, and she gives more in the embrace

Suman: not poking on the back with the hand, not doing it, good, clear lead and position of the left-hand good.

Georgia, USA, visitor: likes Nuevo Tango in open embrace, (I think she said I’m giving her time and space to do her steps) you are letting the Follower do what they want to do, which was so Wow I felt

Devyani, Delhi: space when taller under close side of the arm of embrace in Milonga

Swati: Stable and firm

Roshani: open embrace

Ikneet Kaur: I just started a close embrace. I do what I can do.

Gopika: likes Close embraces. Every leader has their own style which is nice. Sometimes, open

Kriti: I’m still a beginner I don’t know what I prefer or like connection in the embrace alignment (as per my words Physical, emotional, kinaesthetic and spiritual)

Sucheta(psychologist): anything, changes as the leader choreographs the steps, soft (I told her one other follower said that)

Sneha: firm on the back (I told her soft sometimes so, she can express herself)

Nikhila: not rough

Lalima: feel the lead clearly

Follower’s embrace: Pressing on my chest, stuck on me, like she wanted me, I fell in love with that embrace

Abeni: your embrace is nice
Abeni’s feedback work on your music and precision in your embrace to get Dhruv’s wow embrace. Make it a two-way conversation, not a monologue

6. Tango music: (1 year: Work on till Christmas Milonga 2020)

With respect to Music, my mother suggested listening to the same song or music again and again till I get the rhythm right while Adi suggested I keep tapping on my knee, with my hand till I get it right or ask a partner who’s good on music to tap on my knee till I get the rhythm right and hear it well since the rhythm of the music keeps disappearing in and out during a song so following it is very difficult.
Neil: good followers only move on 1. Count 16 beats.
Swati: YouTube to MP3 editing: Audacity.
Dhruv YouTube to mp3 avc free

Mauro: listen to the music. Tango is all about what you feel and what your partner feels that’s all you need to know.

Shreks Notes
Amar Deep's tango music links: and
The first song get people on the dance floor, the second song experiment third song give it your best so, they go with a good feeling
Ajinkya: Listen to all the songs and sort them according to energy. Think of it as high energy or soothing, rhythm or melodic Melody. You're welcome. When in doubt, play a d’arienzo or di sarli
Roshani: don’t play to please others DJ for yourself what you love to dance and not sit down
Ksenia: Dhruv, to build a list I usually make a list of my absolute favorites (that sometimes are associated with specific ppl, for Pino and Caterina’s milonga I used more candombe milongas because my first ever dance with Pino was a candombe milonga and I had so much fun, and I also used “organito de la tarde” thinking of Caterina cause once she mentioned it in our conversation). And then I create tandas around these songs and try to order them in the way that I imagine our energy would flow
Another piece of advice: think more in terms of the mood: I always try to include a variety of tandas so it would fit in with everyone’s mood: a rhythmic one (d’arienzo), a melodic one (di Sarli, canaro, donato, etc), a dramatic one (pugliese, laurenz, varrlaetc), a playful one (de angelis, troilo, etc) and order them thinking of how I want/imagine the energy would flow
The last point: the more you dance in the same community, the more tired you become of usual combinations, like I hear ‘Poema’ and know for sure that the next one will be ‘Invierno’ and while it might be comforting at the beginning, cause it gives you the feeling of knowing, belonging, etc, after a year, two or three you really appreciate if the tanda surprises you (in a good sense)
Neil: Arienzo: Playful, DiSarli: Passion, Angel Vargas: light, Tipica Victor: short steps from the ankle,
Manish: make Tandas that you feel like dancing to yourself, choose one song, which you really like and build a Tanda around it, use iTunes to shuffle the music around, and write down the mood of the Tanda in the notes so, you can shuffle it around (Roshani also, does this to write down the mood of the music next to the song or Tanda in the Playlist), make the songs of the level of the Tango dancers simple for the beginners more sophisticated for the advance and Auroville first day his experience was Tango dancers are very enthusiastic and come with high energy to dance on the first day that was the feedback he got and in Berlin while shuffling he clicked on the mouse accidentally so, don’t be worried of that happening.
Follower: in my first or second year, Follower said to listen to the Tango music in the background (in the clinic) then, later she said to focus on it specifically. She organizes, the tango music as per the orchestra.
Dhruv: enjoy the music and the dance (feedback to a beginner), I organize it as per emotions i.e., short-lived feed feeling (learned to organize by mood i.e., long-lived feeling by learning from Roshani writing down the mood of the song)might be better to organize by mood so, that the Tanguero’s and people at the Milonga go with the most amazing feeling for the year or more
2019-20: Christmas Milonga Dr. Dhruv: fill in the form to add the request of your favorite song to the playlist: your name, name of Tango song/Quartina, genre: tango or Vals or Milonga, a song dedicated to whom, few lines about yourself or the person you are dedicating the song, mobile number or email address, tango or Milonga or Vals or Nuevo or Cortina, Christmas carol or love song, place the song where you feel it fits best, high energy, low energy, romantic Christmas Milonga, last few songs romantic, beginning high energy. Tango community memories with different people
2020-21: Christmas Milonga tango memories with the community
2021-22: Christmas Milonga: 4 song Tandas parent's memories
2022-23: Christmas Milonga friendship memories and emotion-based music (

7. Tango beginners class:

Class 1: Shrek & Shweta: walking along, walking behind each other, walking in practice hold

Class 2: Neil & Shweta: walking in practice hold, walking and giving pressure on each other hands, walking in open embrace, pivoting or turning on the spot

Class 3: Neil & Sheeba: leaders pivot the followers on the spot. Leaders separately turn their embrace without turning their hip; Followers separately extend, transfer, and collect while pivoting against the mirror, then, Ochos together in practice embrace, Ochos together in open embrace.

Class 4: Shrek & Sheeba: Cross, practice hold and open embrace, and in the eight-step box step with the first step, stepping back then, side, then, outside your partner, and then, small step then, big step, cross, then, uncross then, weight shift and small step with left leg and then, right step back in Ronda. Then, in cross-system, cross, back step side, the leader changes weight follower doesn’t then, in the cross-system, cross, the follower changes weight out of cross but the leader doesn’t.

Class 5: Shrek & Shweta: review class walk practice hold and embrace. Pivot on-the-spot rotation by the leader to pivot the follower and ochos front and back. Then, the side ochos while Leader doesn’t move and the follower does all the work.

8. Practica:

Dissociation, Walking, and Embrace

9. Level 2 classes: by Neil & Sheeba: feeling in tango communicate. Started with practicing walking!

Different steps: 24/11/19:
1. Pablo&Anne: Parada: with a Cambio De Frenete
2. Shrek&Jency: Walking
3. Shrek&Jency: Open embrace
4. Shrek&Jency: Ochos: forward&back
5. Shrek&Jency: Giro
6. Shrek&Jency: Cross
7. Liz: Close embrace: Vaggelis&Marianna at the Auroville Tango Festival 2018
8. Adi&Liz: Sacada
9. Vaggelis & Marianna: 3 Sacadas in a Giro
10. Saurabh: Enrosque
11. Sridhar: Ocho Cortado
12. Neil&Sheeba&Mauro: Feeling in Tango
13. Neil: Sandwich
14. Sheeba: Connection; Sri Hari: connect with a partner; connection exercise by Michael Nadtochi; without hands (unknown couple): unknown couple heart to heart connection while dancing; Pablo&Anne: Follower look at Leaders shoulder, and Leader keeps Follower in front.
15. Neil: Media Luna
16. Rohith: Gancho
17. Ksenia: Hook with Ocho Cortado
18. Kruti: Back lead
19. Neil: Drag
20. Divya: Back Sacada
21. International Leader&Follower at Auroville Tango Festival 2018 and Hubert&Shweta at the Bengalurothon January 2019: Boleos: Forward&Back
22. Neil: Walking: Parallel&Cross
23. Roshani: Lift
24. Swati: Multiple crosses
25. Neil: Back cross
26. Liz&Gopika: embrace in Milonga
27. Sheeba: Hold Follower continuously throughout Tanda
28. Adi: dance Vals, tango, tango, Milonga with one Follower in a Milonga
29. Neil: Walking on a newspaper in a line without moving it
30. Sheeba: dancing in close spaces on a square mat alone; and with a partner
31. Rohith: back cross like a back Ocho
32. Rohith: kicking away the sandwiched leg
33. Pivoting on the spot (by observing)
34. By observing Adi: walking backward in small circles in the Rhonda
35. Dhruv&Ksenia: Let the follower express herself while leading her slowly in a circle around you(observed by Sri Hari)
36. By observing Ajinkya: sandwiching by crossing the leg and rubbing the Followers with one leg
37. Roshini: sandwiching the leg and going up and down
38. Roshini: sandwiching and jumping and crossing the follower's foot
39. Neil: sandwich and follower rubs her leg and then you rub your leg
40. Sebastian & Joanna: stand side by side with each other and stretch one leg out and back cross and repeat both sides while staying next to each other (keep at the same distance) Mumbai 2018
41. Colgada
42. Calesita
43. Neil&Sheeba: Vals rotating while stepping out and continuously rotating in the Rhonda Type 1: stepping outside the follower and making her do a giro around you Type 2: Pranav reminded me: turn the follower in a back Ocho half turn and do a Sacada so, crosses her legs and then, invite her into you so, that she makes you she does a Sacada and crosses your leg and then, keep going in a circle in the Rhonda
44. Pranav: back Ocho side step back Ocho side step in Rhonda (I also, use to do this step three years ago)
45. Neil: Planeos; double planeo
46. Neil: Volcada
47. Neil: Rock step
48. Leg wrap(observed Veeresh doing it )
49. Lapiz
50. Neil: Side step while walking forward in a Milonga: Traspie
51. Neil & Sheeba: Walking, push-pull of both arms while doing Ochos in practice hold, then, practice embrace, then, open embrace, feel the stretch as a follower, then, leader on one leg does the snap, and the follow does the bolero, front or back ochos, then, Sacada with the Bolero.
52. Pablo & Anne: Ocho Cortado with Parada or like Ksenia taught me, a leg wrap
53. Veeresh: front and back leg wrap: In the front leg wrap leader and follower take a side step of the leader's left side then, Americana with the right leg and the follower's left, and then rotate the follower around the right and right leg of follower wraps. Back leg wrap: same side step then, block with right leg fast the right leg of the follower before she collects, and then, the follower's left leg, not restricted free wraps the leader's right leg at the back (tip: Body of the follower, moves with the leaders lead, the follower doesn’t need to know the step)
54. John’s video on Poncho: a) Hamaquita: rock step turning of the leader and follower in a circle to change the direction of dance b) Ocho Milonguero: Backstep of leader embrace makes space for the follower to do a front ocho and then, go ahead to another side, and then, return the follower to original position c) Sentada con Gancho: luxury for dancers, side step leader back ocho follower left leg of the leader if ocho on left otherwise, right on other side and between followers back ocho legs bend knee and follower does a gancho, and dip followers embrace to accommodate gancho
55. Neil cross system Sacada with Right leg which goes into the back cross leader crossed his feet and takes small steps with the follower back
56. Milonga steps front cross on the other side and then, a circular movement to the right side. The Cross has to be deep for the circular movement and the back cross with a circular movement
57. Giro with sacadas and barrida (front Ochos go into a giro and Sacada with the right leg of the leader then a Sacada with the left leg of the leader and follower does a side step then, on the back Ocho connects the leader’s right leg with the follower’s left leg of back Ocho and stick to move to complete back ocho and drag follower’s foot across and go into a side step and then repeat if you wish to enjoy the step)

10. Practice to work on expressing my feelings:(28/11/19)5 years:
Mauro: don’t think, express your emotions.
Swati: come from the gut.

11. Work with a partner for life: Communicate, Tango dance, tango is all about the connection, not the steps, partnership with Pinky? How to trust your partnership?

Trust Fall and Exercise by Me: Xavier's experience
The leader chooses a follower they trust, follower falls backward in their arms

12. Tango teacher and performance

Be original!

Learning lifts for the performance from John (ballet teacher and Principal), and teaching them, John &Lalima Tango,

1st month every alternate Tuesday: Open embrace and all the basics in the beginners class to understand what level of dancing you are at presently 1st class is focused on walking, trust fall to trust your partner. Setting your intention for these classes intention extension/projection step. Set a goal where you can see measurable differences at the end of six months. My intention is to help these tango students achieve a measurable difference in tango which is visible to others first one Tanda walk alone on two Tandas just walk, and get self-awareness of your mistakes and in the quartina discuss with your partner and teacher what mistakes you are making, to correct them, and after the two Tandas tell me what self-awareness you have achieved with the feedback of your partner. One Tanda of Ochos and one Tanda of giros. Then, split the class into two parts, which part higher level, do a cross. Then, ones on a higher level teach ones on a lower level, Ochos, and then, giros discuss goals in family, work, and tango ankle exercise for followers, self-awareness while walking shining shoe polish in the eye not winking at followers joke
2nd class focused on open embrace(frame) that feeling how your movements are received by your partner is key in tango. Pablo&Anne and Jency, sacadas and cross steps. Just walk for the first half an hour, socialize and eat some snacks and drink some juice write down any tango experience you might have had in the last one or two years and any difficulty you might be facing in your tango journey, some function when your tango goals end and life goals end cross giros and then, sacadas in a giro for continuous movement and no sudden surprise for the follower. Preparation and intention are very important in the dance of Tango. (you first intend to move in a way, and communicate that with your partner, by preparing both of you(as per, Neil))so, give your intention and communicate that to your partner by preparing her for the movement. Ochos Cortado if, they progress pass sacadas heart rate of leaders and followers touching the nose Alexander technique awareness and observation of movement when eyes, open or close. Power of self, awareness, and observation. Do giros with a Sacada and finish with a cross. Heart rate faster of followers as compared to leaders so leaders calm followers

Month 2 every alternate Tuesday: Close embrace with all the basics learned in Tango presently if you are comfortable greet each other with a hug 1st class focused on getting into the close embrace “hug” 1st song the Followers hug 2nd song the leaders hug and 3rd song both hug then, Rajesh’s talk then, repeat hugging exercise and then, dance in a close embrace after Jency & my demonstration, walk-in close embrace, open and close embrace in Ochos and giros and ones that progress go to sandwiches and multiple crosses in a row Exercise at the end of the class one thing you would like to do for the tango community and the world (May it, be your work or personal life) and share it if, you feel like. Hugging each other and walking partnership trust take care and the first song of the Tanda get comfortable with your partner mission impossible tom cruise doing the Bhangra joke
2nd class Ocho cortado in a close embrace then, Sacada into a giro with an Ocho cortado and submit you’re goals in the latest by this class and pair them up with an accountability partner to achieve their tango goals and enjoy the process formulate a plan for your goals focus on career, family and personal interest like hobbies (tango&golf) in life

Month 3 every alternate Tuesday: Tango connection invite to connect with the intention mentally and emotionally 33 ways to connect Pablo&Anne 6 out of this practice walk like in a hug

Month 4 every alternate Tuesday: Tango music dancing (here’s the biggest challenge where you can teach me too since I’m still learning about music myself)& djing. Class 1 gets a Tanda on a flash drive with one quartina for the dj class. Neil 30 minute talk on tango beats and then, dance on those beats for one hour. Dancing to the melody in tango Class 2 15 to 20 minutes I talk about Djing then, we play the Tandas of each Tanguero and get feedback on it from everyone. Print out Amardeep's tango voice dj fundamental article and Shrek’s dj notes for the Tanguero’s

Month 5 every alternate Tuesday: Few advance steps 1st class is 15 minutes lifted by dr john 2nd the class enrosque. 5 minutes demonstration with Shwetha on, enrosque after one leg turn both sides, simple enrosque, and then, Sebastian’s enrosque

Month 6 every alternate Tuesday: Revision: commitment to Tango
Goal: to take your tango to a noticeable difference in six months

Told Follower my teaching philosophy 17/1/2020: if you correct yourself in Tango like being punctual it will correct you in life. Since tango is a reflection of your life. Follower told me you have got it backward if, you correct yourself in life you’ll correct yourself in Tango simply be good in life, you’ll be good in tango😂💃🏽🕺🏽💕Follower said No, to teach with me

(24/1/20)Teach, Vals to Follower, for 1 year(till, next year, Bengalurathon): don’t get carried away with the feelings because Vals is all about love then, our progress from the six months onwards I’ll see how to conduct the tango classes for the remaining six months of the year together
7th Month alternate Tuesday the feeling in tango. What’s better than a feeling? A commitment to a feeling? Mauro’s exercise giro with a ball in front of your chest and focusing on your partner
8th month alternate Tuesday switch leader and follower roles
Pops advise: encouragement of your students is most important
9th month alternate Tuesday Milonga
10th month alternate Tuesday Vals

13. Places to visit for Tango:

Singapore with Tango friends

Tango places in Europe with Tango partner: Paris(next to the Eiffel Tower), Berlin, Zurich(next to a lake), Spain(Barcelona), Portugal(Lisbon)

Buenos Aires Tango Tour: Google

14. Organise: thoughts didn't materialize

Dance events 7 day Christmas Milonga & New Year celebrations every five years

15. Tango connection: till 80 to 90 years old in life

Follower, the magic in the connection when your mind invites the partner to connect, and the partner opens to the connection

Your attention is in the present moment and have the headspace to let your partner in

Don’t touch hands, and dance Sri Hari

Divya Maheshwari, to function as a unit.

Kriti the soul connection in tango: say I am happy every time you wake up and meditate in the morning for five minutes at a minimum as you wake up. The emotions in tango via feeling passed on with good intentions to the leader or follower

16. Last dance: emotionally, spiritually, mentally, and physically give everything for your last dance to the follower (out of the teaching of honest emotions from Kruti)

The Grand finale
My Christmas Milonga playlist (hand at Djing) is everyone's favorite tried adding it. Enjoy until I found you

I love Pinky found Dhruv


A father said to his daughter: “You graduated with honors, here is a car that I acquired many years ago ... it is several years old.


But before I give it to you, take it to the used car lot downtown and tell them I want to sell it and see how much they offer you.


The daughter went to the used car lot, returned to her father and said, "They offered me $1,000 because it looks very worn out." The father said, "Take him to the pawn shop." The daughter went to the pawn shop, returned to her father and said, "The pawn shop offered $100 because it was a very old car." The father asked his daughter to go to a car club and show them the car.


The daughter took the car to the club, returned and told her father, “Some people in the club offered $100,000 for it since it is a Nissan Skyline R34, an iconic car and sought after by many."


The father said to his daughter, "I wanted you to know that the right place values ​​you the right way." If you are not valued, do not be angry, it means you are in the wrong place. Those who know your value are those who appreciate you. Never stay in a place where no one sees your value. REGGIE RICHARDSON


Once, Lord Indra got upset with Farmers, he announced there will be no rain for 12 years & you won’t be able to produce crops.

Farmers begged for clemency from Lord Indra , who then said , Rain will be possible only if Lord Shiva plays his Damru. But he secretly requested Lord Shiva not to agree to these Farmers & when Farmers reached Lord Shiva he repeated the same thing that he will play Damru after 12 years.

Disappointed Farmers decided to wait till 12 years.

But one Farmer regularly was digging, treating & putting manure in the soil & sowing the seeds even with no crop emerging.

Other Farmers were making fun of that Farmer . After 3 years all Farmers asked that Farmer why are you wasting your time n energy when you know that rains will not come before 12 years.

He replied “I know that crop won’t come out but I’m doing it as a matter of “practice”. After 12 years I will forget the process of growing crops and working in the field so I must keep it doing so that I’m fit to produce the crop the moment there is rain after 12 years.”

Hearing his argument Goddess Parvati praised his version before Lord Shiva & said “You may also forget playing the Damru after 12 years!”

The innocent Lord Shiva in his anxiety just tried to play the Damru, to check if he could….and hearing the sound of Damru immediately there was rain and the farmer who was regularly working in the field got his crop emerged immediately while others were disappointed.

It is the practice which keeps on making you perfect.

We become even diseased or old just because we don’t practice.

Practice is the essence of quality survival.

So, let lockdown lift after 2 weeks, 2 months or 2 years. Whatever trade or profession we are in, keep sharpening our skills, practice with what we have, upgrade our knowledge.

Don’t wait for rain , that is the lock down to be lifted and then start something… focus on our skills today, upskill your self so that you are ready to meet the challanges.


Christmas Milonga Please be on time So, you can Njoy your Tanda and see everyone else dancing to your favourite song, which I suggest you Mirada or Cabaceo, a Leader or Follower before anyone else to be the first on the dance floor for your favourite tango song:

Tanda 2 Poema

Tanda 4 Mi taza de cafe Jency Daniel request

Tanda 5 Invierno Sucheta’s request

Tanda 6 Mil Paso Pranav’s & Lalima Jenckes request

Tanda 7 Seguime Se Podés Amardeep Singh request

Tanda 8 Merciditas Shrék Deodhar & Shwetha Reddy request

Tanda 9 Des De El Alma Ksenia Pukhalskaya & Divya Maheshwari request

Tanda 10, 11, 12 Hotel Victoria, Galo Ciego & La Mulateada Ksenia’s request

Tanda 13 Malena Da Srihari & Suman Pteranodon request

Tanda 14 Carnaval De Mi Barro Janak Sheth request

Tanda 15 Remembrance John Jenckes request

Tanda 16 Comparsa Criolla Subin Cleetus request

Tanda 17 El Choclo Himanshu Katiyar request

Tanda 18 Milonga Sentimental Juhi Ramakrishnan request

Tanda 19 Comme II Faut Sunil Krishna request

Tanda 20 La Melodia Del Corazon Saurabh Sharma request

Tanda 21 Pa’Bailar-Siempre Quiero Más Aparna Raveendran request

Tanda 22 Krishna Se Jaake Keh Dungi Anubha Jaswal request

Tanda 23 Duerme Mi Nina Abeni Tandon request

Tanda 24 Milonga Brava Chandni’s request

Tanda 25 Por Una Cabeza Rohith Ranjan favorite, maybe

Tanda 26 Bahia Blanca & La Cumparsita Nikhila Anoth request

* every six Tandas is roughly an hour’s time

A few added later to make in nearly 8 hours


If, we have a Christmas Milonga or dances: This will be the first Tanda for the most special woman in life for me: Pinky This year Kruti Gandhi Sarda from Mumbai, and Prashant Iyer from California,. Anyone else, from out of town do drop in for the Christmas Milonga

The warmest embrace and feeling with Nikhila Anoth, you won’t feel like leaving her throughout the Tanda. Her sweet favourite Tango song is Bahia Blanca, the first song of this Tanda and her favourite La cumparsita traditionally as the last song of a Milonga. Do hold your partner (leader or follower) with care more than you care for yourself as in Shwetha Reddy, wise words more than care take care and she made me realise more than caring for them as a feeling take care of them as an action and don’t leave them throughout the last Tanda as one

Rohith Ranjan, my best friend in Tango, from the first Auroville Tango trip where we were made roommates by Da Srihari, by coincidence together to Tango trips to Mumbai and Pune to arguments and disagreements to agreements and laughter in life together. Wishing you all the happiness with smiles in your life with blessings from family and friends, for whoever you chose as your life partner & Tango partner in life. This Tango song, Por Una Cabeza from the movie “Scent of a woman” , which inspired him to start dancing Tango in life, might be his favourite. This Tanda is dedicated to him for the Christmas Milonga

Chandni the first follower who gave me some attention and got to know her a little on my first trip to Auroville in 2017, for an exclusive gathering for the Bangalore Argentine Tango group in Auroville. Thank you Neil Naik and Thank you the Auroville Tango community got to meet & learn about some good friends and Tanguero’s like Rohith Ranjan, Da Srihari, Viki Sp and Sheeba Bhaskar on my first trip to Auroville. Her favourite song is Milonga Brava. This Tanda is dedicated to her for the Christmas Milonga

Abeni Tandon disappears before the end of a Milonga always:) and now, she has a good reason, too. Congratulations, Abeni if, you can come & stay till the end, of the Christmas Milonga and enjoy your favourite tango song Duerme mi niña by Biagi. This Tanda is dedicated to you, Abeni or should I say you both

You have to go for one of Anubha Jaswal pottery show’s and enjoy the art exhibitions which my mother Rema Subramanian loves too. I attended one of her’s at Gallery Manora Indiranagar and met her graceful mother, too. Anubha’s favourite song request was slightly different from everyone else as it was a request for a Cortina Krishna se jaake khe dungi! Do enjoy the Cortina and this Tanda is dedicated to her for the Christmas Milonga

Aparna Raveendran after enjoying a cup of hot chocolate at Matteo, enjoyed dancing Tango together in the basement parking lot of the building. Her favourite tango song is Pa’ Bailar - Sizemore Quiero Más. Quite a challenge finding a matching song for it. Then, remembered one shared by Roshani that inspired me to dance Tango shirtless on Auroville beach with Kruti Gandhi Sarda, Roshani Pithawala, Jorg and Piyush Bansal . This Tanda is dedicated to Aparna for the Christmas Milonga

Saurabh Sharma gave me a list of favourite songs two best tangos, a Vals and a Milonga. Danced with Amardeep Singh when Saurabh was Djing, and realised this Tango song he chose was amazing, La Melodia Del Corazon by Donato. Knowing him over the past 5-6 months realised he has a natural talent to challenge a person, like he did to me to do an enrosque. This Tanda is dedicated to him, for the Christmas Milonga

Sunil Krishna has been around from Roopa’s classes to Bangalore Argentine Tango and he has been working hard on his tango flying to Pune Tangothon and having private’s from Kruti Gandhi Sarda world class experience and presence in the Indian Tango community and blossoming from his initial privates with Jency Daniel in Bangalore Argentine Tango. His favourite tango song, win warman by Borges y Paraguay is the only request I had to reject from the Christmas Milonga’s playlist. Since, I felt it would be difficult to dance too while his next two favourites are from Di Sarli so, this Tanda’s first song is from one of his favourites Comme II Faut and This is the Season of love so, let’s give the mood of the dance floor a romantic twist to the Music, for the last part of the Milonga, from the Christmas Carols to Romantic Cortinas from the one of the most famous classics my heart will go on. This Tanda is dedicated to him, for the Christmas Milonga

Juhi Ramakrishnan a Follower who has been around for a long time favourite song is Milonga Sentimental. Since, it reminds her of the association with Bangalore Argentine Tango. Do enjoy this Tanda dedicated to her, for the Christmas Milonga

Himanshu Katiyar met him for the first time at Roopa’s Milonga Tango Bangalore Admin and dropped him to his home in Whitefield with Sheeba Bhaskar . It’s amazing the distances Tanguero’s travel for Tango and it’s lovely, how Bangalore Tango communities, and the rest of the country & world, Tango communities come together for Tango festivals, Milonga, Practica & classes. His favourite Tango song is El choclo by Di Sarli. Do enjoy this Tanda dedicated to him, for the Christmas Milonga

Subin Cleetus, walked into my clinic and has been my patient for the past three year, and he so, generously shared Tango music with me to listen, and invited me to Lahe Lahe, for Tango, where he taught for a bit, and as Sucheta made me notice he has a Signature Subin move in Tango, dance with him to experience it. His favourite tango song is Comparsa Criolla. This Tanda is dedicated to him, for the Christmas Milonga.

John Jenckes a nuclear powered, submarine navy personnel from America, a PhD and a professional ballet dancer. So of course his favourite Tango song would be like a Ballet, Remembrance by Astor Piazzolla. Do enjoy this Tanda dedicated to him with a difference, for the Christmas Milonga.

Janak Sheth saw me dancing a year and a half ago, and then he asked me how long I’ve being dancing and I said a year and a half and then, he said “I can do that” that shows the positive mental attitude of the man to commit to something and I knew inside he will stay for a year in Tango where there’s such high attrition in the first year, which I told Sheeba Bhaskar and Gopika Nangia the night we walked after Tango when he told me that and now it’s been over a year and half for Janak. Congratulations and Best of luck Janak for your Tango journey. This is Janak’s favourite tango song, which he shared with me Carnaval De Mi Barrio and this tanda is dedicated to him

Da Srihari, who gets to knows a little about everybody in Tango in a good way and likes the song Malena & Suman Pteranodon a PhD, her favourite song is Malena. This Tanda is dedicated to them

The ultimate Tandas you can have with one Follower or Leader continuously Vals, Tango, Tango, Milonga dedicated these four Tandas in a row to Ksenia Pukhalskaya, to make the international community feel at home so, that they don’t leave us and go from India (her favourite song is in the first song in each Tanda). Starting with two Followers, Divya Maheshwari and Ksenia whose favourite Vals is Des De Alma. Divya, a Follower, who loves to connect in an embrace and then, goes onto Ksenia’s favourite Tango, Hotel Victoria, Tango, Galo Ciego and Milonga, Mulateada. The first Tanda is dedicated to both of them, and the remaining to Ksenia.

What’s a Cabaceo? Nod of the head by the Leader (usually, Gentleman) to ask the Follower (usually, Lady), a dance to tango. Mirada is when the Follower looks in the direction of the Leader for a dance to tango:

Shwetha Reddy and Shrék Deodhar   favourite song is Merciditas by Simbolo Osmar Maderna. Shwetha the first follower to believe in me, to teach me in Tango and Shrek, a PhD and the first leader to teach in my beginners class. This Tanda is dedicated to Shrek & Shweta

Amardeep Singh  tip: the first song should be famous to get Tanguero’s on the floor to dance, the second song can be experimented with and the third song give it your best, so, they go with a good feeling. What better than to have the first song as the favourite song of Tanguero’s. So, here the first song is his favourite Tango song, Seguime si podés, by Pugliese. This Tanda is dedicated to him.

Lalima Jenckes, a principal in the past and a PhD; and Pranav, a man on the cusp of making career choices at 26 years old favourite tango song is Mil Paso. A Tanda dedicated to them

Sucheta, a psychologist; and a dental patient of mine, whose favourite tango song is Invierno. So, created a Tanda dedicated to her.

My favourite first two Tango teachers at Bangalore Argentine Tango Shrék Deodhar and Jency Daniel . This is Jency’s favourite Tango song Mi taza de cafe. Please do dance with her for it. And a small Tanda by me dedicated to her Thank you Jency for so much you taught me

Poema:) (orchestra in the Playlist “Francisco Canaro”, enjoy the video!)is the second Tanda of the Christmas Milonga🎅🏻So, be there early👍Open to taking requests for your favorite Christmas or Tango song if, you want it added to the music. Come and enjoy the music, and dance at Bangalore Argentine Tango

Good times in Bengalure, Pune and Mumbai and happier times in Auroville Holi Festival; something to experience, move on and remember for a lifetime; Birthday dances with all followers or Leaders on a special day Like a Shaadi/Wedding




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