For a Preventive Day (12/12) or any day "For you", please schedule a visit with Dr. Dhruv or his dental medical affiliates.

"Now I see what he sees: 'pain and suffering daily.' Let's do your/our duty together and win that Smile Award of happiness daily and sleep, knowing you have done a job well done, like your dentist, with peace of mind. Our only request from you."
Dear all parties concerned
"You see wrong, remember, like a doctor's oath we all take when we care for our loved ones: 'do no harm.' Say sorry, we can't help you to do wrong, and you won't suffer the consequences of wrong actions. And heaven on earth or above, in your mind or universe, far away or here right now, you have achieved eternal salvation out of that cycle of monthly cramps, of unhappy, for a joy seeing the miracle of life's creator's creation together. Now, I hope and pray you understand to read furthermore."
"With gratitude, thank you. Please hold on to your seat belts; you are in for a joy ride!"
This is only a case presentation of Manipal, for our ever evolving MoU and as a good-standing example, from experience with a loving intent to draw public attention and engage management, doctors, and all team members in identified problem areas and solutions. Presented for a positive relationship impact, for all of us to work together in the dental industry and related areas, from my knowledge, obviously seen here, extensive years of experience, along with many others, to help make my small individual contribution to the larger contributors and collaborators.

Based on feedback from my family concerned, we hope and pray that the consequences are taken in the spirit of the greater good for all, alive and gone. May the souls rest in peace as better results and fruits of our labor, from our better India we lead and see globally, for a healthier world. Getting their dental preventive care packaging service at the centers and doing better work to achieve excellence in impossible goals, possible for humanity to progress to a better world, on another or heaven on earth, a better world right here, right now, with a smile, by your trusted delivery and team from our loved brand or otherwise.

Kindly note, from my critical thinking problem-solving skills from the University of Louisville, Kentucky, USA, with my dental degree from India and association "For You." Basically, so you don't worry and get stressed, we pray you are in safe hands of your trusted individuals you've built a relationship with over the years, who are trained sometimes to identify physical abuse in adults or kids and refer to respective authorities or experts like psychologists, psychiatrists, or medical fraternity for heart feels, or other reasons, within our humble capacity, unlimited with your support and cooperation, mutual understanding, and kind interest.

Also, these solutions are not to show off or boast, rather to be there when you need us for your visits frequently as recommended annually, to release your full potential in your duties executed by us, being your servicing center. I term for you, patients as clients, so you know you're not sick, rather healthy on a path filled with twists, turns, adventure of life journey, path of happiness, and contentment with checkups to see you doing the job done well, whether in outer space or here on Earth, ground realities of living, loving nature, functioning, positive climate change, environment, and healing touch with your GP B4 GP concept.

Furthermore, not with any intent to correct, reprimand, or out of professionals' personal jealousy or ambitions; rather, lovingly help you understand if one of you in the industry makes a mistake or identifies a problem, we can all get affected if not prepared to take preventive action. Like the first known case of Covid, supposedly from a lab, there are higher possibilities genetically engineered as per what I saw, the structure built not as per nature functioning. So let's build the right button of construction and not point fingers crossed understanding, and hopefully, our unique systems in our elite dental club, a successful endeavor, fostering financially healthy accounts and togetherness.

Additionally, as we don't waste money on advertising, unethical as it is, rather educate via oral healthcare awareness, educate, save, and earn much more with an educated premium audience for our treatment solutions while being affordable for all classes via preventive care package understanding awareness with priceless value delivering. We pray till the end 🙏 of our services as we better ourselves eternally grateful for receiving your consent orally and love unconditionally with our smile award publicly to our award winners converge to collaboration with experts in the dental organization reminders. A thought speaks the loudest with a love cocktail, which is safe for your conception of words and actions that follow with your heart, mind, soul, spirit, socially learning to lead and decide how are you conscious or gaining namaste.

I am delighted to introduce other affiliation expansion membership association. Who am I? But you 'For you eternally grateful time immortal timelessness memories we built and build and perfect the system and keep improving ✨️ superstar are you all unique that's why unique system as you are genetically different all molecular genetics biologist. Know and are doctors customize the D Warranty prescription 'For you.'

Managed by us, your love brand 🎶 ✨️ ❤️ we're not superstars you are we are behind the scenes production team giving you our preventive dental app and truth journal platforms where we enjoy the creative process of creation obviously unlimited space your dental-helpline VERY IMPORTANT DOWNLOAD APP NOW we focus only on good work habits for health with mouthwash and two oral hygiene measures: initiation rights starter package and Orthodontic starter package post-treatment care system exclusively for you and your family: Please vote with a happy intent at our annual general body meeting 29th June 2024 see you happy here there or anywhere today is your now: and enjoy the theatrical show of happiness with the excitement of living life don't ever give up as God's love is dedicated to you all my life's work duty responsibility with my family life.
MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) stands for a formal agreement between two or more parties that outlines the terms and details of their cooperation or collaboration on a particular project or initiative. This document typically lays out the objectives, responsibilities, and expectations of each party involved, including 'For you' patients, clients, affiliates, suppliers, and everyone else involved.


Dedicated to the women in my life,

Starting with my mother,
You made me who I am.

And my wife,
You made me who I am.

And my sister,
You made me who I am.

And my mother-in-law,
You make me who I am.

And my sister-in-law,
Laying down law,
I am who I am.

Thank you for accepting me
Before I did myself.
Who am I buying time with you. 
"Value it as I pricelessly value you, and the true meaning of time is all but you. So, the following starting statement of the MoU is valuing time with you. That's the true valued exchange we ask. So, to lead us right in our life to you: book, reach us, exchange value, and come again." - dedication quoted by Dr. Dhruv


For online bookings, email booking link below or call us on +91-8884757388 to confirm your appointment time: Our services cover everything from saving a tooth, gum care, to complete tooth restoration and include preventive care. In case of emergencies, please head to the nearest hospital. If urgent, have a suitable OTC painkiller and book a premium appointment with your dentist! Our hopefully better clinic visiting experiential, prayerful new hours. Welcomed at a slightly higher value deliverance, to cater to home engineers or night shift IT employees, movie stars, superstars, "For you, especially," or politicians, without hidden agenda. For you, the public, wishing for premium services better than the rest of the world, with you one day offering better than the best consultations and treatment solutions. "With trust at the core foundation of our strong lifelong, reliable, symbiotic, gentle relationship" to care by patients or companies who have the resources to invest vast amounts for their problem solutions via our truth journal or 'For you' Critical thinking, self-learned and trained at the University of Louisville, Kentucky, USA, emphasizes problem-solving skills consultation." Goodwill-based consultation: each time you enter the clinic, with value exchanged while spreading oral healthcare education openly for all: Aware consultation with no immediate value has been exchanged, only once a year: on Preventive Day, 12/12 (Click the link way below for Preventive dental app site: [Sign ups] for the preventive care packages, which would be better than paying for a booking value exchange or entry valued time anytime you visit us.). Our goal is to value health services happy wealthy mutual time, work-life balance, financial goals, and love premium, educated-class service convenience. We also aim to be there for the grassroots when possible, as stated lower value exchange go to dental college students and no value exchange tax endowed government institutes. We understand that Dr. Dhruv is generally available on the premises or on call within travel time if needed and availablity other doctors: "If, however, you choose to walk in, please be aware that you might have to wait. Not available: Ask or check the notice: Now, our online service can assist you in booking your appointment via our app or weblink: to us or our affiliates in Amritsar and two Bengaluru! This ensures you don't miss us when you arrive. You are most welcome: [Preventive Dental APP trial ongoing. Can participate here.] Furthermore, information. (link right way below)." The entry valued exchanged is 1000 Rs, non-refundable, as all time spent in consultation is mutually understood to be extra, or the booking value online is 1000 Rs. Out-of-town or country base on time or days requested in advance is deductible, with treatment solutions provided. Presently, we are not strict about the booking as it's a transitional phase for mutual understanding and voting of valued payment system structure at Elite Dental Club annual meetings. The final decision for any value is in the treating doctor and management's hands."

There are three core departments in our Preventive Dental App, simplified for ease of use or KISS (Keep it Simple Stupid or Smart), a concept taught to me by the late Professor Dr. Geoghegan in 2008. He emphasized that humans are complex, so oversimplifying things can lead to missing critical details. Here's an overview:

1. Affiliates: This includes dental clinics, treating doctors, supervising management, private practices, hospitals, and OT facilities.

2. Patients to Clients: We aim to transition patients into clients by offering preventive care packages, annual visits for adults and children, and servicing at our centers.

3. Centralizers: These are companies involved in lab diagnostics, pharmacy, and larger corporations like Nobel Biocare, offering lifelong dental implant warranties to dentists globally.

Recently, I observed a situation in Manipal where a lab owner was struggling financially due to high equipment costs and reduced margins. Despite fees remaining unchanged for over a decade, the finance department asked him to lower his lab costs. This highlights the challenges faced by suppliers in maintaining profitability, including hospitals in their expansions, providing jobs, employment, and the right healthcare services.

In response, we've decided to exclude certain radiology and advancements rather from outsourced services in our flagship clinic system to alleviate financial pressure, mainly on patients and doctors, while giving business opportunities to other players to join the dental or related industry. This decision comes after careful consideration and feedback from our patients.

Since the release of our Preventive Dental App, we've received an overwhelmingly positive response, indicating a growing interest in preventive dental care. Patients who invest in premium treatments understand the value of oral healthcare awareness and annual visits.

Ultimately, our goal is to promote preventive care through our app, servicing centers, and online platforms. We believe that by working together with patients, doctors, and suppliers, we can create a healthier future for all. Our decision to lock out Manipal on 25th March 2024 still allows for cross-referrals with reputable facilities while enabling our professional growth and fostering goodwill. We may explore collaborations with other private or hospital networks to further our growth. Thank you for understanding mutually, with no blame, only responsibility for your own words or actions. Let's embark on this adventure of a lifetime together, guided by the spirit of health and wellness. Time is timeless, like the ATP-generating universe, harnessing sun-like energy. With the right food and exercise, we release energy akin to a fusion nuclear reaction. The light of the sun is practically within you, originating from the source of the universe. Let's embrace the dawn of each new moment, as it's all that truly exists. Telomerase acts as nature's actual clock in space, possibly slowing down there or here with fat or gravitational pressure. The alligator hears the tick-tock, ready to consume if you're Captain Cook and not Peter, painless, pain-free pan. So, let's do good, be good, and soar in our imagination when we brush our teeth in the morning, envisioning the people we might meet and the growth of our soul, health, and true happiness. Let's cultivate peaceful, anxiety-free sleep to connect with the source and heal our body systems, as we pray.

FYI: value exchanged: 'For you'
I'll send a soft copy email to Manipal and 'For you' a global partner here for them to edit before the 23rd, so I can verify it by the 24th and post it by Holi. I hope and pray for a positive impact and respectfully request a response so that treating doctors, you management, investors, marketing, sales, technology, technical, and any concerned parties can be at peace and harmony.

We have four dental solutions offerings to address any concerns they may have felt were derogatory in our reporting, supported by facts, proof, and evidence-based real scientific practices:

1. Their booking appointments related system can be managed to ensure treating doctors are not stressed and to support patients in getting their due appointments, thus maintaining cross-infection sterilizing measures for the public's safety and brand growth convergence. This service is available for 1000Rs, with 2% of the revenue given to Manipal: Like my grandmother, who passed away because I was not given the COVID vaccine while serving: Or, it might be at a later time point, as total humble observed guesswork, as I finally got it with Dr. Sam at C V Raman hospital with his family and mine at Cloud 9. It's very difficult to say how she got it still. Cross-infection protocols and safe sterilization, by better appointment booking system with human intelligence with us, might help: "For you: Wise decision to SOS." Forget vaccines and PPE kits; the hospital's flawed systems have a hygienist in charge of supplies who sometimes refuses to provide a face mask. Yeah, Swachh Bharat starts in your mouth with routine scaling, when recommended. Not every six months, where in the USA some Americans, without any need due to insurance coverage, are busy getting it done without logic or coming to India thinking they are educated, requesting it when there's nothing to clean. Dentists and hygienists happy to oblige, their pockets filling with stupidity rather than reason. Wash with ultrasonic water and floss, not just wiping lips after dinner. Oral healthcare awareness is essential to get the bugs out of our oral system, not only AI tech growth. Just like having a daily bath, you should be aware of the importance of oral hygiene, just as you're aware of the absence of routine: like our dental cleaning system Portable simple solution toilets.Thankfully, dental assistants or nurses have been kind enough to assist me and procure the necessary supplies. However, I've started obtaining them from my own clinic to ensure safety. It's very disheartening to see honorary personnel sometimes given more privileges, signaling a long way to go from concerns about theft of supplies to the lack of safety equipment for trained dental professionals.

In such cases, dental doctors who are already trained at the establishment and have extensive experience should have a say in decisions regarding supplies. Surgical equipment brought over 20 years ago from the UK is still in use, highlighting the need for updated procurement practices. Some doctors have even started buying their own equipment post-2008 and investing in their education and training.

In contrast, experiences in the USA, where universities and governments invest significantly in education and ongoing training, stand out. It's essential to foster a supportive environment where professionals are encouraged to continually improve their skills, rather than pulling each other down. Let's pray for happier, healthier, and wealthier times ahead, where savings can be used to do more good, such as essential dental emergency training in Mumbai. Indeed, learning the Heimlich Maneuver is crucial for any dental professional, as choking incidents can occur unexpectedly. This life-saving skill is not only essential for dental professionals but for anyone in the public. Oral healthcare awareness is paramount, and training in life-saving techniques like the Heimlich Maneuver can make a significant difference in emergencies.

Life is akin to sailing, filled with challenges and unexpected events. Being equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge can help navigate these challenges bettering effectively. Prevention is undoubtedly crucial, but being prepared for emergencies is even more critical. As the saying goes, "Prevention is better than cure," but being prepared is one step better than prevention. Let's prioritize healthy training fit and preparedness to ensure the safety and well-being of ourselves and those around us. The essence, stated in the God's message series, preparedness goes beyond way acquiring material possessions or equipment ammunition. It encompasses cultivating healthier relationships built on mutual understanding, trust, and communication, you're mentally, emotionally, and physically exchanged. Your upbringing values, epigenetic modifications, and engrained knowledge, sharing your wisdom, and regular training exercises play a crucial role in fostering such relationships and ensuring everyone's well-being.

Instead of focusing solely on acquiring physical assets, investing in education, open communication, and empathy can lead to stronger and more resilient connections. By prioritizing these aspects, we not only enhance our preparedness for emergencies but also create a supportive environment where everyone feels valued and cared for. Weapons for invasion security guard: defence not attack: Like having a nuclear bomb in hand, engaging in conflict resembles a child throwing a tantrum with support from another, where both parties possess destructive power. Yet, resorting to swatting each other with a fly swatter is sheer folly. In such scenarios, it's clear that someone is benefiting, and it's certainly not the victims of war—the common people or the contributing members of society. Ultimately, it's the bonds we form and the knowledge we share that serve as the foundation for a healthier, safer, and more harmonious community. Let's continue to prioritize nurturing these relationships and empowering each other with the information and skills needed to thrive. Your doctor-patient team-client communication is the most essential part of treatment solutions, akin to the general's command that the troops carry out. So, don't weigh it in the same boat as questions about treatment charges or why consultation fees are high. It's not a fee; it's a value exchange, and if you realize the true cost of the value, your money will flow all to your doctor. Consulting is necessary—it's not about doing it over AI like new Toothlens or pre-empting. Okay, shortcuts like online aligners break all ethical codes of conduct or safety hygiene measures. Superstars smiling for money in their pocket advertisement is like a marketing agency with no technical knowledge. At least verify what you're smiling for, given by your dentist. Orthodontists are busy correcting what's done by your online shortcuts; some cases, thankfully not all, have ethical and robust generations passed down ethical values, like Invisible Brace Company aligners by Dr. Karan Ganapathy, slowly but steadily, without breaking hearts or codes.

"In our consultation procedure, doctors have a system in place to manage patient behavior and prevent misunderstandings through face-to-face consultations. If a patient misbehaves as a first warning ⚠️, we block their WhatsApp Messenger and delete their number. If the behavior persists after the final warning and the patient fails to learn from it, we ensure awareness if they return as a new patient. For the patient's last warning, we block their calls, allowing them to directly apologize to the doctor. Only after this apology will their service be reactivated."

Scientists, writers can contribute directly into their respective sections in a separate set-up. Spaces app for our trust-based foundation, Truth Journal model together ❤️. Subject to change sponsorship as on Truth Journal. Hope Foundation, enter, sign up for furthermore articles contribution details. Will help us all be better health service provision successful endeavor as in app or site in the link below. Also, presently separate Dental AI chat app with links being set up as one in app might not redirect to outside links. So, you can WhatsApp Business message us to chat with our Dental AI for queries 24×7 in our Dental Helpline support number being set updates +91-8884747388 😀 or call for human nature intelligence interested if to clear furthermore feedback after post-care bookings, payments, ethical guidelines, etc. When available shall respond or return the calls as we grow better helpline measures hopefully for customer care number or AI or app or site.

2. All patients are made aware that we offer preventive measures, including a second opinion from our radiology team, to ensure that no quackery or unethical practices occur in their premium premises. The management is kept in the loop, and patients have the option to verify their consultation and treatment solutions information.

3. We provide understanding awareness of preventive care packages so that clients comprehend shared responsibility and are referred to other departments in the hospital for their growth. Our packages include OPG for adults at 1000Rs and for children without X-rays at 1500Rs, revised annually on the 29th of June. Our service charge is 2%.

4. We aim to prevent loss of life due to insurance issues, if possible, and dental care is not typically covered by insurance in India. Therefore, preventive care packages might help, along with early detection of conditions like cancer through routine annual screening. Overcharging and lack of cross-referral among doctors, with financial systems in check, are important considerations given what happened to my mother's brother. By allowing online payments through our preventive dental app, we ensure that all necessary procedures can be completed. This is part of our shared growing understanding responsibility initiative, along with our two-year dental tech trial for win win win with environment integration. "All that comes through you is yours, with no loss, only gain, which comes through our unique system. We hope and will take severe action for unethical practices or deviations. Locking out is the final action if patient trust is broken, until proved otherwise or corrective measures are not taken or taken ASAP to keep the public and our family trust and name intact. If the situation is more severe, the doctor will be reported to the KSDC authority or the dental assistant to practice as a dental technician. The doctor will be locked out if supervising a quack and given a chance to understand why, and then reported to the authority for further action, including potential jail time, to understand the severity of not prioritizing health and dental health consultation and treatment solutions without appropriate dental system education as per the panel's recommendations. We understand KSDC or its clear ethical equivalents elsewhere outside as in Karnataka can annually renew our dental degrees and check if needed within rules and regulations, thereby allowing us the freedom to practice privately as valued higher demand solutions seen providers within the law. Here or there in dentistry: Doctors are by choice not forced but like patients have to choose their doctors therefore mutual agreed understanding apprentices and practicing dental full or part time or both understanding practicing and non practicing surgeons, maybe teaching or and research or both otherwise dental doctors, by your honorary title by society or your trusted dentists team. Some might learn self specialize after dental general practitioners, while others might super specialize, and some pursue further doctorate degrees under one or more field mentors, clinic or new dental and medical apprenticeships, and senior-junior or any kind of doctor not dental assistants under their own trained categories, with dental technicians. After obtaining their dental new renewal license just before their full dental license under provisional degrees, they are interns. Kindly use the terms accordingly.

As a bonus, if Manipal or any brand under the love brand wishes, we can cater for all supplies, KCK brand materials with Oswald Miranda trust the centralised supplier and our trusted lab tech partner and owner Rahesh Dencru par excellence and lab communication for your financial based monitoring is at a high premium with 20000Rs for system set up and execution along with 2% of the lab work of your preferred lab partner to be shared with them via our love brand payment system WhatsApp method outsourced and in house Padma pharmacy and diagnostics outsourced to Dr. Santosh or in-house: As we are working towards innovation and better healthcare services from our scientists, we aim to enhance our human resources with AI to provide superior services and foster growth for all. Our pharmacy and diagnostics sectors are geared towards providing futuristic solutions. Therefore, healthy reason prioritize monitoring any side effects or diagnostic uncertainties for your benefit. Perhaps one day, with our assistance, you may opt for non-medication treatments for certain conditions. We envision a future where all contribute to better health. Data sharing for you research purposes is mutually agreed upon, with a focus on aiding cancer patients suffering from oral cancer or requiring root canal treatments, nerve regeneration, MRI diagnostics for backaches, and more. Your cooperation in sharing information or data with these providers is appreciated. If you prefer not to share your data, you may opt for your preferred provider. Kindly consider this small value exchange, as it may yield priceless benefits in the future. Service: 2% for local country partners, 2% for additional global partners, and 2% for the Love Brand and "For You" services and products. Additionally, 1% for the Love Brand 2026 Hope Trust Foundation and 1% for centralized suppliers. For products, we take nothing, while for services, 1% goes to our Dr. Dhruv Dental Care proprietorship. This allocation is intended to ensure everyone's happiness, including us, with my wife sharing resources and supervising financial accounting. Our dental servicing centers are established with your needs in mind. We aim to prevent any compromise in the quality of products due to outsourcing and ensure regular tech updates. Additionally, we seek to prevent conflicts of interest between doctors, heads, and purchase managers, ensuring that quality products are sourced with appropriate warranty coverage. Our focus is on health protecting the interests of patients, doctors, and institutions, while supported by scientific evidence and ethical practices. With our revolutionary D warranty prescription, only services are covered, not products, your helping ensuring transparency and protection for all stakeholders. We also offer a partnership with Doxper for seamless documentation and financial Javali and dental associates collaboration, as well as a radiology CBCT collaboration with Raddon. In-house OPG is available, with nearby backup providers or scanners for invisible scan braces and aligners. Our exclusive elite dental club is growing, and we love brand flagship dentist and ownership personally take nothing. This eliminates any fears of locker hidden thefts by doctors. We hope that treating doctors and your own clinic management will find our fee structure or HI or AI voting acceptable, as approximately 2% is taken from our revenue. Half of this (1%) goes to our centralized supplier, and the other half goes to our Hope Trust foundation for the Truth journal, aimed at better improving the dental industry and related sectors for better health, better service, and a better world. Preventive care: unique dental care system: 'for you' your perusal: To access it, please continue reading below for the link has been first rolled out till 31st March 2024 in Dr. Dhruv Dental Care with Dr. Baliga flagship clinic "And any other clinics or dental department of hospitals will be under you and your hospital brand, with a 2% share given on top of ours: for monitoring purposed" "And global partner to hope expand further in your country with your 2% for monitoring based on 4-8 years trial, so God-given good services go out to the global market from our love brand." Praying  "Convergence to see you collaborate for you and us, a greater good we believe and have faith in." Thank you. HOPE understoodRevealing sensitive dental medical information can lead to jail time, especially outside family team communication or involving other patients, or conference examples publication without revealing any identifying information unless consent is obtained specifically for marketing purposes, sale, or technical data sharing for better health systems, consultation, treatment solutions, research purposes, or otherwise into the system, which has to be taken on the D warranty, specially stating so or as per patients, clients, or anyone's while social media or other mutual interest for marketing education like counseling or otherwise oral healthcare awareness purpose is totally mutually understandable. This consent is not a blanket oral consent, as for consultation and treatment solutions, which holds valid in the court of law. We don't interfere or intervene in the freedom of a dental practice of any treating doctor unless we receive an evidence-based complaint, even after checks and balances, with a radiology doctor reviewing appointment booking and financial systems: With a quota of at least 3000 patients who trust the doctor or clinic supervising doctor and management, they are eligible to be in our network dental affiliates, listed in their phone book of contacts. IMPORTANT DENTAL INFORMATION FOR PANEL OF CLINICS: For city-wise, along with country-wise India presently your our approximate fee structure, voting will determine the demand more for treating own doctors or AI suggestions after a consultation. Fees may vary as per the majority vote annually at our own General Body Meeting of the Elite Dental Club. Each city can follow suit upon joining our esteemed network. We have set up an online clubhouse tab under the patients' section of the lower menu with a flag, where you can participate in journal clubs or forums for your intellectual discussions among our elite club members. Additionally, there's a booking tickets section for offline meetings and self-learning journal clubs, with submissions due by 5th June annually. Presentations are made in the AGM on 29th June and 21st July:- After review, the fee voted suggested proposed structure will be posted in the app and site, along with a treating doctor's diamond icon or AI chat. We hope this initiative grows exponentially with all of us, alongside global partners, organizing our dental sector to lead the way in healthcare for a better world.

"The report of a problem below and solution peacefully stated with mutual understanding and two-way communication. If not Manipal, others after two-year trial above, we will be open to."

"6 years in Manipal: Dental Convergence to Collaborate. We hope and pray."

It all started 16 to 17 years ago when I first arrived in Manipal hospital to see my mamaji getting treated for brain cancer. I was able to enter without a visiting pass due to my Doctors coat from Dental College, who were sympathetic enough to give me holidays. When he passed away during the pediatric posting under the head of the department of MR Ambedkar dental college and hospital Dr.Ila, with her short sharp pinches and slaps on the arm to make you concentrate at work and do your work well. So, much to learn in this short life, which I’m doing while attending patients with Dr. Achuth M Baliga, my mentor, and Dr. Samuel Shadrack, my guide where I’m learning so much in my dental career from my humble beginnings in June 2006 at Manipal hospital. Manipal hospital whose slogan is “life on!” And that’s where it began. Learning clinical dentistry since, we get all our theory from Dental college while real-life clinical experience is learned while, practicing in the outside real world. Where I was absolutely fortunate to land up, in the ethical & competent hands of Dr. Baliga&Sam. Short appointments avoid jaw pains. And working with them you see the speed they work at to deliver good work. Working learning class II, silver fillings, to root canals, to crown cuttings, to extractions, to return, in 2019, and allowed by Dr. Sharon Diaz Head of Department, Dental Medicine With her dental technicians doing the implant work instead of doctors available, observing or on role, instead, is that the highest level of quackery supported and used by a doctor with arrogance: Asking cuts from suppliers, ignorance Manipal pays 'For you,' as they told me, and fresh graduates are given the opportunity to learn without pay for months, 'For you,' put on trivial scaling repetitive tasks which are needed initially. Still, losing hope after over 6 months, no progress to learn, earn, or gain respect as dental doctors. They called me in the clinic for a job opportunity, while when I left in 2008 in my resignation form for going for Master's, I said I'll be back. Coming back in 2016, Dr. Shantipriya said the administration said I can't join even as an observer to work with Dr. Baliga and Sam to continue my training, while though after a few years Dr. Sharon meeting: a very capable and good dentist and gave me the opportunity. They told me to work with Dr. Shantipriya with questionable dental actions forgivable. One of the very good periodontist in the field of dentistry with publication and books under her name You be the judge? Finally, Dr. Baliga intervened with the CEO, Dr. Manish Rai, and worked with them, and dental technicians were given the opportunity to train like doctors instead, starting a circle of quackery in neighboring clinics. There is a possibility that most doctors forget CDEs. Some patients are ill-informed about why doctors need to still learn. I need not to be a guinea pig with someone learning to earn abroad mandatory with points to renew while others not renewing their annual dental license, heading the flagship dental premium department, training dental technicians, doing the most expensive present form outside research dental work, going outside to clinics, taking photographs, tech saying we can do this work to you under the guide of a head turning a blind eye, like the old gurus of Mahabharata. Pray for my wise teacher and mentor at my clinic. Few private cases, as HR checks that patients don't have a choice of awareness to go to the private practices now you do Or, asked me to leave my private practice and without any pay work for Manipal Hospital by administrator Shankar. Is that doctor's misplaced BRAND ARROGANCE or management instructions? If the doctors leave, they are finished overnight, they have no means as the public as one decides their fate or systems or talent or taken the dental department enterprise for granted, as we are the portal of entry into the body and any system patients have a choice along with Dr. Baliga to contribute with my experience, knowledge & work. To complete, my training in wisdom tooth removal and implants with regular tooth extractions. What a progress, from learning to do, root canals on extracted teeth of patients to gradually moving towards a complete dentist under the watchful eye of Dr. Baliga&Sam. 
Observing the work of the other consultant doctors, residents, nurses, dental lazy (With zero training, besides hands on education on quackery, body shaming, safe recycle environmental protocol procedures against harassment words or actions, two way conversational awareness, professionalism, etc.) assistants on low pay, and staff improving over the years. Since, if good work is not done over the years, the number of patients would reduce for the doctors instead of increasing and you would see in the picture that the number of patients in Manipal hospital is increasing exponentially due to the competent work of few doctors. Since the Doctor, the patient's choice is very important for the health of the patient. I would recommend my mentor and guide any day for complicated dental procedures, which would give me peaceful sleep at night knowing that I would refer my patients to safe hands if, it was not in my training or knowledge. Like Dr. Karan Ganapathy Orthodontist in Dr. Dhruv Dental Care, a colleague&friend from Dental College, where, his father, Dr. K.S Ganapathy was a loved principal for many years till Dr. Hemalatha M, one of the best in the field a very good disciplinary Periodontist took over or Dr. K. Sadashiva Shetty, a famous teacher in Manipal hospital for Orthodontics. 
HR needs to rework their policies to prioritize health humanity and fellow human beings, not only the company's interests, but rather with a view to the greater good.

Knowledge, Dental research, a new frontier of science to be explored, and this world was opened to me by the Stempuetics department of Manipal hospital, which I visited in 2008 to only get inspired and leave to America to do my higher studies with the Master’s of Oral biology to complete it with Master’s of Biochemistry and Molecular biology from the Medical School and returning to India. Working with my wise loving Mentor and really good Guide on the unbeatable number of outpatients in the dental medicine, clinical department to upgrade my Dental knowledge, skills & experiences in one of the best chains of hospitals in India. "Left, why? No response for good work recognition received, disrespect from seniors asked." "Proof: Victims of the system witness." Sunday 17th March 2024
"You have time until Holi told them to lovingly respond to make a positive impact in the healthcare world. By Holi, today or information will be told to the public, and they can verify furthermore information and proof how confidential information patient breached my management though overall responsible doctors might be in the lockers along with person privacy invaded without the consent of the doctor to open the lockers in their presence. Is that pressure by management on doctors abroad in the ethical classes training? I learnt if a professor puts pressure on his scientist and research assistant staff to deliver results, and they do so unethically, they go to jail, not the scientists delivering the results or doctors in this case, rather the management.

Background information to check:
Truth Locker: The story of Manipal breaking all the dental doctors' lockers in 2008 under the guise of the Trust foundation to check if anyone stole their money. Some doctors like me kept RCT instruments to sterilize themselves because till today they don't, and so many other doctors' privacy was broken and trust with patients under HR sayings it's on their property. Today, their true intentions, the true Trust foundation, is now a private ltd owned by a Singapore investment firm with a minority stake in billions. Is that a Trust foundation? Initially, time to understand work together to do good with solutions I lost one, nearly lost another, and hope and pray with you all: Voice your opinion and take a stand for your family to get treated there. Recommend good doctors for my your life, our system-threatening conditions. Only minor referral cross consultations are needed, also international outside clinic or hospital network if needed for cross referral without gain. No major work; dental medical check up tech preventive care is preferred. Where they get an opportunity via insurance or other means to cater, so we, for the better India, path permanently. Cheer on good spirits, ward away evil intent or wicked work: If admitted, provide better-than-best facilities in the area for dire emergencies of a good doctor with OT facilities. Real names were not mentioned for legal actions. Now they are for taking corrective immediate pray hopefully measures for financial purposes. Give them only one chance to lovingly respond. "Thank you for responding." Rest, you know better than the new truth revealed in your journal. Truth reforms and ideas for real healthcare matter solutions, starting with oral healthcare awareness. CEO Smile Award, sorry, had to be revoked due to all this happening, as he was found responsible for wrongdoing in the company overall. But was it his? They have a trust foundation doing good. How did a non-profit trust foundation, with government tie-ups (History: In 1953, T. M. A. Pai founded the Kasturba Medical College in coastal Karnataka. The college operated as a public-private partnership by using the government hospitals in Mangalore. Dr. Pai was an Indian doctor, educationist, and philanthropist and was awarded the Padma Shri by the Government of India in 1972: Reference: suddenly changed: good turned India on the international healthcare scene into a private limited for profits in the last decade, a growing giant for the investment bankers? Indian doctor under oath, was he originally from Mangalore? Is that a true doctor serving the public for years with their healthcare services saying life? Hope and pray ever we make our Hope Trust Foundation for the Truth Journal from savings maybe earned from our proprietorship continue doing good with for value exchanged ever even after we are gone! Asking to clear verify information because I am grateful for what I received in the past, present, and maybe in the future.

"Good is being done, but at no cost: any harm as oath 
'Do no harm' is my final verdict and words."
"Keep serving, Manipal:- This is my Hidenberg report."
"Good hospital list in the Truth Journal to be released on 29th October 2024."

"We are very small, and we only intend to do good and no harm. So, anyone reading, have oral healthcare awareness and avoid the pitfalls. Get preventive care checkups done so you don't have to pay exorbitant fees. While we are no threat to brands like Manipal or others, as they are surely doing lots of good, we are only giving feedback for improvement of service. As we prioritize health and every living creature, especially among all."
"Philosophically speaking, what you have done cannot be forgiven by anyone, not even God, because the people who have to forgive you are no longer amongst us. You have to serve the people till kingdom come or burn in the eternal flames of hell, with all the problems in the world for the criminal account and act against the Hippocratic oath. Committed without love to life on earth, health, and everyone, as God as my witness is the ultimate truth for peace on earth and above."

"I am not a Mahatma, hero, or savior. Neither am I a crazy entrepreneur nor a stupid idiot. But not taking revenge for what injustice was done to me, if I can say, is wrong. It's wrong. Who am I to the one sitting up will take care, counting their karmic healthy accounts, giving them their fruits for their dignity of labor if not received at your workplace or home or friends, family, or public spaces? Finally, what boils down to is: Are you happy with what you are doing?

Is your partner your first reference point or feedback honest mechanism, making them and others happy? Are you happy with your thoughts, intent, words, or actions, right?" 
You judge from among yourselves, 'for you or you,' by being a whistleblower for doctors, suppliers, patients, no: just a humble observer saying let's get our acts together and do good and focus on our good health. Maybe healthy accounts and good, healthy real relationships. Mahatma Gandhi said "an eye for an eye makes everyone blind." I add ego does: by not saying sorry, forgiving, and letting go to move on permanently. I tried to be a great scientist to win a Nobel Prize in the USA, telling my mentor at that point, the late Dr. Geoghegan, about curing cancer, etc., with Dr. Dean. I learned my lesson when another professor from India said I am being racially discriminated against, via email proof I still have. I thought the HR policy said 180 days can't investigate, so I resigned, came back, and served my people and my home I love. I have a clinic in Unicorn: Defence Colony, Indiranagar, Bengaluru, India. I am no extraordinary dentist; I am an ordinary dentist with extraordinary patients I serve and more than an extraordinary panel of doctors and a team growing with affiliates, suppliers, and the public 'for you and continued dreaming of reaching the stars one day,' goal 5 in my truth journal. While quietly working on my dream project, the Truth journal, to bring an idea with my later late professor of convergence to collaborate via the HOPE trust foundation in 2026. Research ideas coming to reality and seeing people happy like my wife, parents, siblings, you: SMILE, and my job is done as a dentist. Finally, you have to learn to earn, so my wife helps support me with. We have completely made our Preventive Dental App last release, you can download and book to use or browse, as shared on our social handles on 18th March 2024 'for you' as my mother's famous tagline for our adventure together as the Icon while books like "101 Practice Tips" helping other dentists by teaching how I learned to earn, and maybe they can teach me more with my seniors. For you, family, and my dream and tiny little clinic where I can continue to do good work here or there in the area, never to retire as long as health is good, family is happy, and finally some recognition by being listed in a prestigious bibliography as people who might make a positive impact for you and a better world: the mission I emailed the President of the University of Louisville in 2011. The cover page I set out as my life mission to release your full potential strategy simple good habits brush dental checkups preventive care priorities better health then go out with a smile do better work annual servicing with us and your accountability like this blog with feedback as we are all finally human with mistakes and flaws just strengthening our character to do good deeds and maybe then one day with a better world we will together reach the stars, cure cancer, and achieve some much impossible to possible tasks and goals together with financial, emotionally, physically, spiritually, mentally secure socially who we are in our life purpose. How I have done it? Set up your intent with love, ensure it's constructive and positively impactful, thats intuition and see the magic flow with a smile. Ensure no destructive negative thoughts to take revenge or vengeance, or you will suffer. You've got to go down the right path together. I am telling you, both my wife and I, we believe and have faith on this opinion on the matter to help us help you do well in life. And don't worry about money or chase women or men or i; they'll come at the right time to you when you need it. So don't spend, save, and be generous like Sikhs with your soul and fellow human beings and creatures, with a smile, serving, and courage and bravery with confidence inside to face the world. Pray my scientific methodology to help release your full potential for your life purpose as a dentist or others works. 'For you too'. And don't be foolish or stupid without money and the realistic realities of doing good is a little hard but not impossible, so earn, learn, teach, and spread the good word, and hopefully, refer the right ones on the path into our system. As along with our family team industry of dentistry, we pray to successfully use it for you and us, a greater good like our Truth Journal. Come to our clinic, and hopefully, I can, we can make you smile.

Kindly Take With a Pinch of Salt*

This is only a hunch during a relaxing meditation. As my mother is an art therapy expert (artist, psychologist, and international Yoga instructor, and India's No.1 topper in her boards), I was practicing yoga to relax, taught by her. I got a hunch that there might be a planet around the pole star where there might be life. It's only an intuitive guess, with no present scientific evidence. Still, it's something exciting to work towards. I believe the scientific path is through oral laser photons and dark matter, for which I published in an International journal after mentally working on the equation on and off for ten years or more. I also discussed it with Dr. Subhash Narayan, who has a PhD in Lasers in Oral cancer, to get credible mutual understanding. We discussed if the scientific publication is worth sharing with others in the scientific community and finding a way in the Oral laser photons to accelerate our rockets, making them more eco-friendly and faster than light, with maybe a timeline of 40-45 years or so. Though high investments are required to bring a platform like the truth journal, with entrepreneurs actually doing and scientists working on back spine correlated nerve in root canals, stem cells, and another publication, Goals by you and us will help all of us reach the stars. Or just live our daily lives happily with family, friends, life challenges, etc. Maybe if not today, someday, but it's worth dreaming about. Only if we have a healthy smile, wise to work together mutually beneficially and happily. Working together with individuals contributing as we are interconnected collaboratively with deep understanding how we and your happy together with a love committed to make this work successfully as we started with our humble clinic to see it to do successfully with you and our this year preventive care packages at 1000Rs or 1500Rs for kids as for your annual service or recommended each time servicing as we set up 2 more servicing centers for u in Amritsar and Bengaluru dentally as only then our dreams can come to reality.

"Come to us, we are here."
"Dr. Dhruv Dental Care, with Dr. Baliga and team, along with affiliates, suppliers, the public, and patients, and hopefully, more clients and collaborators over the next two years, as we conduct our dental tech preventive dental app trial. Kindly download and visit our centers."


"Portstar, my father's shipping company originally created, maybe ships to that star one day (Captain Deepak, the guiding light and belief in me when I came back to India by my first few attempts at this outlandish mad hatter Laksh: First, shared tech payment portal name (Heading: Portstar - Secure Payment Option

"So you know, on our app or named site, you can make your health payments safely. It's safe to pay for all centers and us. Look for the diamond icon located in the lower right menu on the app or on the Apple browser (payment online here: bottom of the opening page underlined: click)" with Razorpay: our preferred payment provider for our valued exchanged appreciation and thank you for your time and efforts of years' investment in me and your friendship brought to me, childhood friend, wife) objectively, aim systematically, logically, practically, with your common sense prevails hopefully achieve one day, maybe after I have gone, also what are we fighting over petty matters of money and resources like frogs in a well when the vast universe is an abundant unlimited resource and space for living for us world peace, universal habit harmony for us to function, happy environment, not infectious toxic work-life balance habits, so do it the right way, no shortcuts, visit your dentist, and ask them, and check your daily activity right, consistent, persistently, small or medium or big healthy habits, how do I brush right). God bless: Our payment portal, presently running, is turning our ideas, goals, and dreams into reality, alongside our humble one love brand dental care servicing clinics, patients' contributions over the years, and the earnings and your dear valued investments from my wife, family, and us. Hopefully, funds our HOPE Trust foundation in 2026 while we pray for your intellectual and each financial contributions and visits to our servicing center, start with the Unicorn home Flagship in Defence Colony, Indiranagar, Bengaluru, India, or Google us: 
"You know we are available by app for Android or low Apple users site. Thank you so much if you have visited or plan to visit us or asked for your consultations because our life, your life, and our dreams, our family, and you were counting on to get us here or there in our network or outside your call to reach. Don't forget a healthy smile. Also, my sister Diya's birthday is today, the light to light your candle of hope to reach our desired human resources with AI and so much more happening to us where we are 'For you'." Dental healthcare pink slip 💗 Last day: Pink day, 10th April this year, for the special privilege preventive care package. Have you claimed with a validity of one year bought before the deadline? 😊 Bottom of the opening page: BUY for all family members. [Enter app or site in the link below: Opening page, at the bottom: knowing important Preventive care is affordable; treatments solutions are premium.]

If you are not taking care of your health – in this case, entry oral healthcare – then you are basically firing yourself from your own services. As a result, you won't be able to perform efficiently, and both you and your family will suffer. So, start with a humble preventive care package and show us your loving intent of commitment to your better health with our dental care services. This way, you can be a higher, better performer in your work-life balance services and happiness – yourself and together.
Subtitle: Logging out: Going for a dental healthcare preventive check-up. RNR.
Sign in here: [link] [] easy to remember: always D for day brushing the right way ( loves if you fresh breath right daily routine activity habits, giving the world better service) and N for night brushing (/Namrata my wife happy cares you do) with water flosser, mouthwash, the right way oral hygiene measures as in the video on the Affiliate site. You hope and pray one dentist's clinic, hospital, institute, university, anyone with a premium dental practice wishes to be ON.

Settlement time through our new payment gateway at the clinic: internal purpose
- Local: T+2 days
- International: T+7 days
No requests for rare settlements are allowed before being granted permission.
Including our online system for all affiliate unique preventive dental site app. Doctors' settlements within 30 days after deductions of any products as per the new financial system. Other affiliates settle as per the understanding and their freedom, especially all OPG CBCT Radiology centers under our payment system to avoid any confusion. Kindly assist tie-ups, dear affiliates, while suppliers all under one centralized online supplier. 60 days payment cycle after the delivery of materials. We have started our two-year trial from 31st March 2024 till 29th October 2026, till all tax filings are done. No refunds and any product replacement as per respective warranty or their guarantee company policy, and treating doctor practices can charge service fees for assisting the patients in making their claims, while the D warranty prescription unique revolutionary personalized per patient or client ID is required for all claims as proof, without which patients or clients won't be entertained. This will hold true for all consultations and treatment solutions.

To see ROI, we highly encourage sharing your filings with our Javali and Associates to verify ROI (Return of Investment of Trust in us) growth within our ROI (Return on Intelligence system: HI & AI assisted). This way, we can show financial data for others to join our system and understand sponsorship ads revenue returns estimates. Why? Furthermore, for financial growth and investment in better services, better health, and a better world for yourselves, our dear patients, and dedicated clients on the human evolutionary preventive care system, annual renewal occurs as per their visits and discretion of the doctor. Confirmation of the package is sent by sharing the payment details and prescription image leading to a message from us with a ticket as per the Pink Day sent to the patient or client. Long Gone Day in Manipal: AI generated

A bustling day in Manipal, filled with the hustle and bustle of students rushing to and from their classes. The sun beats down relentlessly, casting long shadows across the campus as students scurry to find shade.

In the midst of this chaos, the dental clinic stands serene, a beacon of calm amidst the frenzy. Inside, the sound of drills and chatter fills the air as patients wait patiently for their turn.

Amidst the comings and goings, there is a sense of purpose and dedication. Doctors and technicians work tirelessly, ensuring that each patient receives the care and attention they deserve.

As the day wears on, the pace slows slightly, and a sense of tranquility settles over the clinic. Patients leave with smiles on their faces, grateful for the care they have received.

As the sun sets on another day in Manipal, the clinic stands as a testament to the dedication and commitment of its staff. Long gone are the hectic hours, replaced by a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment.

Like Manipal's significant investments in OT facilities, there has been a massive renovation and transformation from 2008 to 2018. This overhaul includes not only a facelift of the front entrance but also improvements in function and aesthetics of service delivery, akin to what's seen in dentistry books. The setup differs from a typical clinic, excelling in various aspects. For instance, a nurse may not be required in a dental care clinic setup unless it's part of a hospital-based OT practice. Basic life support measures, like those learned at the Mumbai IDA head office, and IV IM techniques at local nursing homes, such as Amar Jyothi, can be managed either through tie-ups with nurses or by trained oral surgeons or nurses. I recall the head nurse in Manipal teaching me suturing techniques. 

The OT facility boasts high-end equipment and an exclusive post-care system for recovery, minimizing anesthetic complications, and ensuring thorough education on OT procedures. Special needs adults or kids receive special attention and care, often requiring more frequent visits due to a lack of self-care in oral hygiene after a delicate age. Guardians, caregivers, or nurses are educated on oral hygiene measures and society's collective responsibility to monitor abnormalities and seek solutions. 

As the name suggests, we seek the truth in every aspect of the dental industry, the world, and the universe, with a smile in our hearts. The ideology of communism, democracy, monarchy, or any belief system should foster interconnectedness and interdependence in the universe while allowing independence within individual boundaries. Extremism, lack of education, financial disparities, and true intelligence divide us, leading to conflicts over religious, social, and women's rights issues. 

It's crucial to fill the cup of knowledge, especially for women who nurture families with love. Misuse, caste biases, social isolation due to health issues, and disclosure due to gossip or wrong actions can lead us astray. Instead of focusing solely on brushing correctly, prioritize visiting loved ones and dentists regularly, learning from clinic you experience, and doing what's right. Remember, someone is always watching, and if you don't understand others, it's essential to cultivate patience and empathy, akin to a father's love, especially in dealing with egoistic medical doctors. MOUs and SLAs (service level agreements) bypassing consent, even oral consent, many times, under the assumption that they know better than scientists, dentists, or loved ones, will eventually face repercussions. Builders or others will hold them accountable.

In contrast, institutions and industries, from A to Z, should adopt a "For you, by you, with you" approach. Dental institutions and industry stakeholders, like Smile Awards winners, should strive to converge and collaborate strategically. They should offer guidance based on humility and appreciation for good work, respecting contributions made through scientific dental writing, client relationships, or sponsorship ads. These efforts are deeply appreciated and contribute to enriching our lives. Get ready, my dear loved ones, sweeping changes, akin to those implemented by home engineers, are on the horizon. Are you, my special category other halves or loved ones, or legal RPID or the rest all matters no one left behind are you prepared? Absolutely, each profession and person are nuanced, neither entirely good nor bad. Let's unite in hope for the greater good together, recognizing our shared humanity and pray realised interconnectedness. We are one.


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