
KPIs and dental emergencies.

  Key performance indicators : Preventive Care Dental Package showing how many patients are retained; then, observing the treatment outcome of each patient, making it more personalized treatment and overall fostering a long-term relationship with your practitioner, while you maintain your prescription or warranty prescription, which we have spoken about in the previous blog, ongoing checkups, and holding on IN OUT patient for your future treatment solution. This will also give us a better idea of patient satisfaction after treatment, not only when it is done but also after a few months. Additionally, it will serve as a reminder to them, helping to see the revenue (money saved for patients preventing bigger treatments and clinics for money earned) while reassuring them that we are there for them. This approach will also indicate that we are there when they need us, reducing the incidence of dental emergencies and our your contributing to an overall improvement in oral healthcare a...


  How much is the right amount? 2–4 liters or customized to patients based on their salivation? Reference: Isn’t this moving towards a more scientific medical approach? I wouldn’t even call it purely dental, as the whole system is interconnected. What about those calculi that form? All you need is to check (Number of tests for salivary flow: —are you producing enough saliva?) Calculi (salivary stones) need to be removed surgically or dissolved. This highlights how regular dental visits contribute to maintaining healthy salivary production. If it's due to anxiety or otherwise, dry mouth can be managed with GC Tooth Mousse, prescribed by your dentist. (manage cavities) I even conducted research on salivary glands topic long before I became familiar with the new pipettes being used in studies or the nuances of advanced research. During my Ma...

Mental health challenge.

 Mental health issues: awareness is important in society for fostering empathy and the growth of the entire community. How does dental practice help? Building confidence and trust with a patient can encourage them to seek counseling and connect with a mental health professional at the right time, especially when facing toxic home or work environments. This is crucial for cultivating a healthy society.  Few emergency numbers, especially for women: 112:  Emergency 1091:  Women Helpline 181:  Women Helpline Additionally, it has been observed that due to a lack of knowledge in the field, a lot of guesswork tends to occur among patients, the public, families, and even doctors who may not stay updated with the latest information. Forming informed decisions based on data is vital. A publication has been written on how genomics might help in the future, as it is currently not incorporated into the "Bible" of mental health practitioners. Based on genomic medical studies...

Now, Healthy Family First

Yes, oral infections can weaken the immune system. Here's how: Chronic Inflammation : Oral infections like periodontitis (gum disease) trigger chronic inflammation, which can tax the immune system over time. This constant state of activation can weaken its ability to respond to other infections or illnesses effectively. Bacterial Spread : Harmful bacteria from the oral cavity can enter the bloodstream through damaged gums, spreading to other parts of the body and potentially causing systemic infections or inflammation. Link to Systemic Conditions : Oral infections have been associated with conditions like diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and respiratory infections, indicating the broader impact of poor oral health on overall immunity. Maintaining good oral hygiene through regular brushing, flossing, and professional dental checkups is crucial for supporting a healthy immune system. - From ChatGPT Question s: to ask yourself: Cancer, aches, and pains caused by chronic inflammation—...

Family first.

 India is putting itself first, and the USA says it first. We are going down a very dangerous, selfish path, instead of sacrificing yourself for your family—called humanity. In dentistry, there has been a tradition of offering free dental health checkups, which is okay on rare occasions, such as Preventive Day 12/12, once a year, as we have been doing for over a decade to promote oral health. However, this is not a sustainable healthcare business model, as someone must ultimately pay for the treatment. While sometimes you might get highly paying patients through their whole life cycle, such good relationships are formed. Additionally, patients who can't afford other treatments might still benefit from awareness and can visit appropriate service providers in the network or pay for services if they can afford them. Otherwise, there is a popular saying: "If something is free, you might be the product." So, let's not have any hidden agendas and bring out the full potentia...


 It is crucial to align with the team, much like the alignment required during orthodontic treatments, full-mouth rehabilitations using crowns or bridges, or foundational dental implant work. Balanced occlusion is vital. Sometimes, when the internal curvature of the teeth is not maintained, it can affect the external curve of the smile and lead to jaw problems. As mentioned in our blog  SOS: Enhance Your Posture , maintaining the right posture—like a dancer’s properly positioned neck or correct sitting, typing, and writing postures—can be transformative. Similarly, practicing postures like those in  Surya Namaskar  in the morning is a meditative way to begin the day, stretching like a kitten or cat to relax and prepare for the day ahead. When you arrive at work, you may notice that your team is "firefighting" issues. This often happens in corporate settings, hospitals, or MNCs because the team roles are not aligned. Proper alignment ensures that team members know the...

Masterstroke: Interdisciplinary Team

Stroke : When blood flow to the brain is reduced or interrupted, brain cells can begin to die if not treated promptly. Prevention includes maintaining a healthy lifestyle, taking clot prevention medication, and managing medical conditions effectively. Check ChatGPT for more information: signs, symptoms, etc. However, take it with a pinch of salt—always verify the information. Reduce Risk of Stroke by Preventing Gum Disease:  Preventive Good Oral Health Blog: Dental Management in Stroke Patients: No treatment should be conducted during the first six months following a stroke, except for emergencies, which must be handled with extreme care. Post six months, management of anticoagulant medications should be done in consultation with a neurologist. Dental treatment is advised only if absolutely necessary after myocardial infarction or cancer. Extreme caution is needed as another stroke can oc...