
 How much is the right amount?

2–4 liters or customized to patients based on their salivation?

Reference: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28880151/

Isn’t this moving towards a more scientific medical approach? I wouldn’t even call it purely dental, as the whole system is interconnected.

What about those calculi that form?

All you need is to check (Number of tests for salivary flow: https://www.hopkinssjogrens.org/disease-information/diagnosis-sjogrens-disease/sialometry/—are you producing enough saliva?) Calculi (salivary stones) need to be removed surgically or dissolved. This highlights how regular dental visits contribute to maintaining healthy salivary production. If it's due to anxiety or otherwise, dry mouth can be managed with GC Tooth Mousse, prescribed by your dentist. (manage cavities)

I even conducted research on salivary glands topic long before I became familiar with the new pipettes being used in studies or the nuances of advanced research. During my Master's in Oral Biology, my mutually chosen mentor student relationship professor, Dr. Sven Ulrik Gorr, demonstrated how even a single drop on a scale could tilt the balance, like justice showing me the precision of measurement. He practically guided me, hand in hand, and gifted me The Double Helix by Watson and Crick for Christmas—a profoundly inspirational gesture that deepened my understanding of DNA discovery.

Do sugar-free gums help in saliva secretion? Caffeine causing dehydration, or does the water in it balance out to hydrate? Reference: Mayo Clinic.

A valid question with scientific answers—it's all part of the information we need to incorporate into our systems for a more holistic and personalized approach to oral health. While I have observed that Nicotex lozenges might be more effective than using patches or gum. I wish smokers would at least know that quitting is their choice. They even provide instructions on how to approach it systematically. ...and avoid falling into the trap of addiction fueled by pan masala and gutka ads that exploit loopholes. Creative liberty to the artist, except in advertising ethics, I would say. In dental college internship, I remember being called for a Kingfisher ad shoot and feeling excited about the experience. Finally, it boils down to the individual decision of being a positive or negative influence and the financial compensation or experience they feel they wish for.

    Note: All are valid questions with valid answers. All this information is readily available; we just need to incorporate it into our system.

This is where AI plays a role in gathering data for us. However, we also need doctors and confidentiality-conscious data service providers in healthcare. You, as the data owner, grant permissions, retaining your rights and benefits.

As the internet's pioneer envisioned, this approach allows you to share the benefits of your information with others in a mutually symbiotic relationship.


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