No way! 😱
Fear Factor: Does Cancer Detection Scare You? Nowadays, there are multiple tools—and sometimes fools—that can either scare you or help with detection, ranging from genetic testing with Mapmygenome to scanning using the Sascan machine. Fool You? Why? Sometimes, in the rush to start treatment, you may not weigh all the pros and cons of the options, such as chemotherapy versus hormonal therapy, among others. Hospitals or doctors might push you toward what they believe is right, rather than prioritizing what you feel is best for you. This is similar to initial atomic research agreements, where terms often favored the party providing the technology. Likewise, any agreement you sign is typically biased toward the party drafting it. It’s crucial to do your own research before making a decision. Sascan: A Reliable Tool While I haven’t personally used the Sascan machine, I believe it to be a reliable tool developed by Dr. Subhash Narayan. He also helped me understand the physics behind o