"mindspace: editorial key"

Before you read this thesis cover letter, loving you, look at it from that point of view;-) Why do you so sternly say, "Let's block him, this madman," or "Let's ignore this idiot," not meaning to insult or talk down to you? We're all smart enough to make our own decisions. Dr. J: Jealousy, emotions, or negative attitude or thoughts of one's own critic or ego of my opinion versus yours? Positively loving, committed nature of care like for self and others you speak and "Wake up Sid" like an Indian movie song, and say, "Let me hear your point of view. Where are you coming from?"

Editorial Key: Protect your mental space of peace of mind to be calm and composed without external influences to get into your internal memory space by forming loving emotional energy first, like husband and wife, then family, then protecting children and then neighbors, then state, then country, and then world, and then welcome to the universal family.

In my thesis, orange means solutions: initially no solutions, then progress after breaking down walls of closed-minded thinking to see the bigger picture, focusing on small matters of daily activities with each other as everything keeps moving in space, living or non-living. With bold underlined, the first breakthrough of solutions marked much later, and then we progress to red for stop, halt, rest, and orange for "Is this a solution we need?", and green color to say "Go, please go on, reflect, come back and read after self-realized experience or listened, heard experience or self-awareness."

Italics meaning is that "Louis Vuitton bag actually worth it?" with italic style or our emotional center when we say, "Yeah, it's okay, I have the bandwidth, mental space, and emotional energies," and not hate going of moral policing, "I am right, who are you, what are you doing, I don't understand," the husband-wife emotional energy unit when you understand, then you proceed to continue reading. This is interjected throughout the remaining last few blogs to say, "Don't be too excited or scared, we are reaching the end," and then we see the truth: family salvation we all achieve together, spiritual universal advance we see in oceans deep in space or earth. Water is essential. We need to understand how to love, love, and unconditionally give no tolerance to nonsense. Shit on toast and say, "We want that egg on the table to continue life, my wife or husband with that fatherly life-bearing light: have hope and have faith, we are finally here." Certain words highlighted or fun seen for you to see the double of hidden for your mind to realize so the uneducated mind doesn't kill you: in their devil's whisper, you are a knight for me. Kill him too, have an open mind, grab a cup of tea: have fun as this just my life from my time in life: and my personal views, no opinions just one for life. We are one (one;-) now. May add with that sigmod fueled, not ego, trying to separate from parent's egoistic growth, not proud, rather a lion you all roar in laughter with pride of our land, judging not rather, doe a deer, Sound of Music like madness, not sadness rather, tears of joy, nor feud fighting over property on a pun or fun: only the best of best intentions intended: mother father like feelings or knowing you, we pray and hip-hop leap of faith of belief for greater good, everyone including you and your family's own inside and climate change outside, clean pure happiness to make my wife smile and maybe you for her life with my family, you too as mentioned before. 

Now best of luck read easy from solution to cure problem or vice versa or from where every where you in life you pick. Best of luck to you, shutting down dental fenetre window of opening from dental college: fest of madness to this point of time of view so we pray bid adieu to see another dawn of time called Age of Truth with enlightenment for you. 

Mom says with you I believe: we're here to stay planet earth: Israel: of maybe a planet around Namrata Shahid star poster in their loving home like yours. I pray for you, hope she spreads Pinky for you, a planet with a gentleman called Dhruv, running a dental clinic for you, with you only possible with your contributions financially or intellectually, therefore called Return of Intelligence. Let's get that smile working for you, with you, that shield of sword and armor that protects you called D warranty, me Good boy good girl or just good, rated by our doctor you view. 

And know that polite courteous reminder auto might generate or bug maybe not reach you, still view that home smile servicing centers open all over the planet, our Supermanian Kryptionian-like satellites all over the universe, coming across saying third wave also here for you, come refuel with that smile waiting for you, that friendly neighborhood Spiderman web of happiness and contentment, like Thor of your Avenger or DC Dark Knights Justice League, hearing from you what's your problem, may I help solve for you in life to smile;-) 

So you don't get carried away rather on waterways of emotional coaster of happiness, smiling satisfaction of serve love of care joy we see you go to: come back from you and your cocoons after 18 years or wisdom whenever awaken and say we are back to hear from you.

And this blog, if you read and understand to be with each other and work together, forming teams for fun and working together to reach that star or cancer cure, and rather pray, listen to each other, not like cancer communicating, no fighting please. 

Sorry for not telling you the key before, as you need-to-know basis is the means of private data operation to prevent worldwide panic or neighbor or just husband or wife abusing emotionally, can't be seen from her point of view, showing physical trauma which can sometimes heal with time but not justifies ever in life along with mental and emotional abuse lasting centuries. So you are comfortable so you earn for you or you for him so you motivate each other's point of view.

Truth Journal Hope Trust Foundation 2026

Proprietorship Owner: Dhruv Subramanian Dr. Dhruv GG Dental Care always there while we're there with our license and love "For You" and mother's tagline implemented sacred body of bond love, love unconditionally, trusting with respect. Pinky, wife; Doc N, Namrata Shahid Suri, and siblings Di: Diya Suri and Sulabh Suri, HR mentor guide and mother-fatherly like with nephews Ansh Shiva like calm winner and Arth with an enlightenment e-heart and earth for our mind-heart connection. Pray for a solution to our five goals set in stone with our God-like parents Shahid Suri with Subramanian, we respect. With our dental family, we love and care to see you smile, not divide with Orth gaps, smile and function in harmony without breaking the law, my wife Pinky happy or release our Chief Editor Misha Suri ;-) sister-in-law, one sign with one positive, thoughtful reminder with Amritha, our third Malayali cousin from my 101 Grandmother Nanima side to finish you off with one jugular vein stroke, all anger removed eternally, with the execution to work together or leave to stay calm and peaceful till you can to converge and collaborate on our mission to touch the star smile you know, we know, cancer oral cure with your words and food and water too, preventive dental app our PDa for you till you smile and smile. This is the dentist and trusted network doing the work together for you, with you, to shared responsibility to together individually contributing your love to grow and prosper with your family relationship we value. Priceless is your internal on external stated thermometer for you, and with that religious habit our hope oral hygiene measure and dental care preventive care 3M ESPE Preventive Day 12/112 and Surya Namaskar 15th August to say please thank and sorry for that bad behavior we will do good behavior. Our spiritual science called Life is finally on with that light in you and your family's mind called the miracle of life water composition microflora biochemistry state solid liquid smile no gas;-) only release up and down or let it release it full potential of your and your life with a smile.

Don't you feel and know, as a scientist, you need to have an open mind? As a scientist or dental assistant, do dental doctors need to have curiosity and the right to make your own decision? Be ready to enlighten your own mind and seek the fundamental truth of life. Why does such a harsh email saying from the UK like Sir's knighted from an age of medieval darkness furthermore blocks my emails when all I am saying is need to know the truth? Putting your head in the sand like an ostrich doesn't hide the truth nor does it change the truth unless in time with facts it changes and evolves with the ever-evolving universal time.

Also, I do respect your wish if you don't wish to remain direct one-on-one or group emails or WhatsApp for health reasons or the controversial nature of the discussion that racial discrimination and other matters stated like Manipal working and ethical matters like working in India's ever-growing hospital sector is questionable. The medical dental doctors with others, maybe public or preventive care package holders on every visit to our smile centers, are part of our elite dental club holders as a torchbearer to spread the message of peace, love, and happiness with positive messages of Hope. Maybe a line from our Chief Editor MS, if they wish, or primary reviewer Amritha BDS, or Doc N, or Pinky as fondly called, or Namrata Shahid Suri with me in our Truth Journal that jar as from our sleep unconsciousness state aware we maybe sleep waking to our conscious self that we maybe more than just a planet unique to our solar system and galaxy and universe. Rather peep outside our well of crabs pulling each doe like dear startled with an oncoming car, respect each other and life and say Yes we need global disarmament and we are together and ethical committee ready to face the future head-on the present with saying maybe, Founder duty manager ROI? (funny name for myself as came back from USA say Return of intelligence we all have like instincts from limbic and decisions from intuitive hear heart and prefrontal decision-making yes no not now tree: and wish from the back of our mind to the diamond of a solution of our souls to experience ourselves lightening up the chakras maybe with Surya Namaskar yoga art therapy or breathing art of living so hum or universal sound chanting by Rishis and Om like a universal orgasmic voice say yes they maybe something out there lets pray stop fighting like kids know and try to care for each other count to ten like a rocket not shooting out of our mouth hate or saliva spitting our evil or spirits cheering together to kill each other with a war crime like my mother wait on Dhruv hold on hold your horses stop giving your kingdom for a horse listen to your wide-open wife awareness to maybe she also, like you seen that white light which might say in all sincerity like you and her to each other love and you and let's work together in a calm non-composed adjust our bodies to a new way of mind mindset of positive loving attitude of unconditional love we open to learning something new and just maybe stop killing each other with our stupid point of view and arrogance of knowing only 6% of the AI saying we only know that much of the brain and open with humility say sorry patient we only know this much with our gatekeepers GP b$ Gp dentist at our smile centers serving you with servicing annually with your immediate or urgent pain needs and start walking away from emergency SOS to a point of view yes maybe preventive care or western views of science saying maybe virgin may not be a virgin but a bloody mary and Romans were trying to build their empire like the Taliban killing everyone else finding the key of immortality from the Egyptian Codex code and the Taliban like tried to control women or give them freedom from such uneducated dark ages thinking of not believing some word of just one man and woman with Jesus Julius and Brutus like killing each as we all brothers and sisters from the one apple tree cheating others from hiding tech which they already have ten years ahead putting man or me2 woman like movement or barbie thinking behind and say hold your horses let's apply our mind put a little effort and wake up! We are caught up in our emotion of religious habits all like the spirit of dentistry saying the Easter egg bunny hop to a leap of faith like Columbus the wrong way as there is no wrong right later we daylight hit us found we only in a round universe which we called planet earth time to stop killing ourselves here for this emotional state of madness and say once sec Dhruv Subramanian Suri from the Kapur Shahid and bigger family might be right we can communicate like cells in our body: woman please realise the emotional abuse you are doing your husbands is going in for centuries receiving lakshmi to be comfortable while you show his physical abuse me2; seen in mother nature too so stop abusing each other see the others pain and suffering and stop using that nuclear of emotional physical abuse vicious cycle and mind games once your mind one who are you going to play with maybe make a goal of a dream home and keep working on improving it like mother nature and fatherly spirits for you and your kids and working life balanced happy or universal home eternally

 causing cancer and pick up the emotional sunglasses with our own choice saying love is one we wish to wear for the rest of life and say hey what the f? are we doing am killing my brother and sister from Pakistan UK or Russia or Israel Manipal or Afghan of Taliban or US: with their big stick and say they are my neighbors on such a tiny planet for money saying this is how God previously said in our testaments share your resources and peek out that Solar Nebula and metaverse of Galaxy and Universe is way beyond our imagination and just maybe put down that gun and asking for unconditional surrender say hold on bro truce hey mam ladies first with kids on Titanic. Your sacrifices have gone for waste of time of listen the heartbeat of our band those bloody holy wars time to set the sun on its golden way document might hold some truth received Dhruv may be just right emailing WhatsApp communicating love signs and saying guys gals me just love life and come on your time too see it from another unego but healthy Sigmund Freud psyche ego to have your own unique genomic gifted ID and say Dad mom this might be a better to best way for the right way ahead let's work together like husband wife first then a family then joint then neighborhood: then regions like state country not first rather our world health first with a climate change to love our environment as we just products of our own environment clean. Or DZ, like disappearing cancer, or Manipal, like money-oriented case studies of ophthalmologist, another conscious sedation procedure like ENT, like dentist, and say, "What the f? Are we doing?" (Dr, D;-) recognized by an old society Who's Who saying from light photons from the sun after passing through the protective Elon, killing with his rockets with all that money and Nasa from where Dhruv in his first dental medical crossover lab on aging funded before his PhD dreams of glorious future started, is stating with his wife we are all connected telepathically with our prayers and we need to see the light that inside that photon is an energy so powerful we might be with particle accelerators travel the universe. Why not jump right through those black holes of red thread interconnected theory in his autobiography with his wife love stars with those 10-12 modern commandments, say these are the ways we are controlling others. Let's hold our Krishna conscious horses, let's see the logic and reason drama we're outplaying and say, "Whoaaaaaa!!!!" Mitochondria and ATP in the matrix of a cell have so many energy sources. What are we talking about photosynthesis? Look at your genetic molecular existence and synthesis of RNA DNA Protein and it's actually just dark life light the new central dogma. Dhruv is stating what childhood batteries like Tesla or any other cannot imagine are new tech maybe outdated. Let's stop trusting the ego of a medical doctor like a cowboy style sethetcsope weilding yielding idiots and say, "Wait a sec we got a brain not just these sacred religious text or these mad religious men killing us with hatred saying I know best mom day light told me hey my brain we can think to you all saying is God is one what are you god damn gif style fighting for saying I am the best I'll help you see my truth my dear fellow idiots like me let's stop working like donkey and horses performing like rat races to arms and look outside and in and say let's halt this madness and start again rebuilding our race of humanity once again fro and to for the wonders of space and within like oceans and Manipal with deep pockets who are you trying to control like mind games Paula tried to play with me from British time divide and rule to make money sme’l the roses that is the truth she is hiding the truth subconsciously or consciously like you others on innocent ones saying you are an idiot I will trick or treat and teach show you a carrot of trick or treat you which you will never get if you see the document or it's ever found how she tried to control a student so to make money for us only like a mother finding a way you will see that she was clueless to say hey doc N wait a sec execute me work together or we all deadmen barbies dolls wailing transgenders down syndrome walking on a round planet till the mother nature hey one sec I made a mistake let's hit reset: wake up and say, "<H> our symbol smile and hope and say I care for you too. We are caught up in our emotion of religious habits, all like the spirit of dentistry, saying the Easter egg bunny hop to a leap of faith like Columbus, the wrong way as there is no wrong right later. We daylight hit us found we only in a round universe, which we called planet earth. Time to stop killing ourselves here for this emotional state of madness and say once sec Dhruv Subramanian Suri from the Kapur Shahid and bigger family might be right. We can: love care communicate like cells in our body. Woman, please realize the emotional abuse you are perpetuating. Your husband is enduring it for centuries, receiving Lakshmi to be comfortable, while you subject him to physical abuse. This cycle is mirrored in mother nature. So, let's stop abusing each other, acknowledge each other's pain and suffering, and break free from this cycle of emotional and physical abuse and mind games. Once your mind is clear, who will you play with? Perhaps set a goal of creating a dream home and work together to improve it, drawing inspiration from the harmony of mother nature and the nurturing spirits of fatherhood, for the well-being of you, your children, and a balanced, happy life or a universal home for eternity.

Kindly keep family matters at home and don’t trouble us professionally. We empathize with you and kindly seek professional help. Do not trouble the CEO or our dental family. Happily stay or move on. 

Be work on time: maybe for your own work with us or our and don’t take last minute cancellation inconvenience unless you in the emergency room and prioritize your health over work leave for family reasons or leave our premises immediately: as duty for us above all for family health work life personal professional respectful balance and if you only trust us enter our trusted network or enter our premises: with our kind permission with a smile or pain of suffering no money DA/legal RPID: go elsewhere tax-based system to help the poor and financially set up from government hospital colleges don't need to educate the importance of common brain mind heart body sense: and not our personal space dirty with your toxin emotional nonsense wasting our professional duty time for family work also for family as well health with your excuse: you have our permission to leave till you grow a brain you already have.


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