"mindspace: editorial key"

Before you read this thesis cover letter, lov ing you , look at it from that point of view ;-) Why do you so sternly say, "Let's block him, this madman," or "Let's ignore this idiot," not meaning to insult or talk down to you? We're all smart enough to make our own decisions. Dr. J: Jealousy, emotions, or negative attitude or thoughts of one's own critic or ego of my opinion versus yours? Positively loving, committed nature of care like for self and others you speak and "Wake up Sid" like an Indian movie song, and say, "Let me hear your point of view. Where are you coming from?" Editorial K ey : Protect your mental space of peace of mind to be calm and composed without external influences to get into your internal memory space by forming loving emotional energy first, like husband and wife, then family, then protecting children and then neighbors, then state, then country, and then world, and then welcome to the universal family....